Saturday, August 31, 2019
Influence contrasting economic environments Essay
Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation. There are two very important economic environments that effect Tesco, economic growth and the recession. An economic growth will be good for Tesco as business will be booming, more goods are being produced and profits are increasing. When this happens Tesco becomes a very high profit business and invest in new products or stores which can lead to Tesco being more profitable business wise. Profits are increased during economic growth as customers want more products; they have the money to spend and choose to spend it in Tesco’s. This leads to a much higher product demand, which affects the primary sector – farmers. Farmers will need more animals and more farm hands effectively as they are producing for a large company and if the demands aren’t met they will lose business. For example during an economic boom people tend to buy luxuries as they have the spare money to spend, so a customer instead of buying a ready meal might decide they will have a steak instead and there could be a large amount of Tesco’s customers with the same thought process, this will in turn mean that Tesco will order a large amount of steak’s from the farmers and if they can’t supply this they will lose Tesco’s business and also Tesco won’t be able to meet its customer demands and could also lose business. People will also stop buying Tesco value products such as cereal, canned goods and start buying branded names as they can afford it and we are a brand loving country which means that Te sco generate more money as people are buying the much more expensive goods. In 2011/2012 Tesco had a reasonable growth in profit even in a challenging economic environment, Tesco’s sales increased by 7.4% to  £72 billion. Tesco however did not make the profit that they would have liked they were running their business in a very challengeable time during 2011/2012 as the recession is still very much taking over the economy, they managed to survive by offering their customers Tesco value products at next to nothing prices which were bought a lot more due to their cheap prices offering more competition for companies such as Lidl. During a difficult economic climate consumers cut down on spending in an attempt to try and save money as the cost of living increases but wages don’t. This means that Tesco would have cut down on orders to manufacturers for example the steaks, no one would have been buying them and they may have cut their order from 1000 to 400 for example. The current interest rates can also effect a company like Tesco because if they borrow a loan from the bank then if the interest rates are high then Tesco will end up paying back more money than the original borrowed amount, however if they are lower than it would be the best time for Tesco to borrow if they need to because although they will still be paying back more than what they borrowed however it will be a much lower amount. Inflation rates can also present problems as they decrease and increase over time; if the rate of inflation is high the Tesco will increase their prices to compensate for the rise however this will decrease their sales because customers won’t be willing to pay the higher prices. GDP (Gross National Product) is the market value of all goods and services over a certain period of time if the GDP increases by 3% it means that the economy has grown by 3%, this has an impact on everyone in the economy because it affects the stock market which is somethi ng that any potential investor will take into consideration before they invest. Tesco will see wage increase in a healthy economy and higher profits as Tesco’s products have a demand increase. Cancer Research UK will have struggled during the recession and current times as people are cutting down on spending and unlike Tesco Cancer Research are selling things that yes people need, however their products aren’t essential therefore they will be losing lots of money and may have to cut down money on research and support. They have a much smaller budget that has to be spent carefully in order to prevent a negative impact on the business; recently Cancer Research has not had the funding to research into new types of cancer and develop knowledge as they have had such little funding. During an economic boom however Cancer Research will hopefully make plenty of money to fund research and support as people will have more money to spend on clothes and shoes. They are able to offer a lot more support and can do extensive research into new kinds of cancer as t hey have the funding. Inflation can affect a business like Cancer Research UK but not as much because they don’t buy in their stock it’s all donated by customers, however they may slightly increase their prices which in such a difficult economic climate is something that they desperately want to avoid. GDP will affect Cancer Research because they may see an increase in customers if the GDP was low because typically there are high rates of unemployment at times like that and people still need clothes to wear and rather than pay high street prices people with go to the charity shops and buy cheaper second hand clothes. However if the GDP increased then Cancer Research may see a decline the their sales and customers because there are high levels of employment during a high GDP and people with have more money to spend on high street trends.
Incident Analysis and Development Plan Essay
In my previous assignments I have attempted to shed some light on the 3 capabilities which I have identified; which were namely the Leadership skills, Knowledge skills and the Interpersonal Management skills. Each of these 3 skills is crucial for a good manager and each holds its own significance in the building of a solid character. For the purpose of this research paper, I will be concentrating on the Leadership and Interpersonal Management skills upon which I have already talked about before. Harnessing these two characteristics would help growth on the individual level and gives an insight into a person’s overall character as viewed from some external source. Incident Analysis Leadership is a value arousing skill (Heifetz, 1994). Recalling any such moment where I have taken the mantle of leadership I would most definitely have to quote of my academic experiences. Groups and teams are a fact of life during one’s academic years and in said groups and teams there are often conflicts arising which without the presence of a team leader, lead to failed deadlines, substandard work quality and overall unpleasantness among team members (Maister, 2002). I can clearly recall the last time I was part of a group and it was in said group that I got a chance to play the role of the team leader. The decision of me being team leader arose due to my past experience in the topic and when the time came to choose the leader from amongst the team-mates I had the expertise in the subject. Even though I was not experienced much in any leadership position, I was able to do a sufficient job as the group leader and it made me appreciate the tough job that it is to lead people towards a single goal so as to make the achievement a shared vision (Purpose of Leadership, 1997). However, one thing I learned was that Leadership is never static as the role of a leader keeps changing in modern times and anybody who has a proficiency in some skill would take on the leader role when work related to his area of specialization arose. Without any leadership there would hardly be any sense of where the team was headed and it would be meaningless progressing further (Kelly, 2007). Interpersonal skills are also very important in recent times as people of every walk of life have to interact with others to get their jobs done. Previously it was the belief that some jobs required very little interaction with other individuals, such as finance related jobs and other desk jobs where the employees would have minimal socializing (Hayes, 2002). But now the field has changed with people interacting with others for the exchange of knowledge, and for socializing purposes. An incident regarding where I had to demonstrate my interpersonal skills arose when while arranging for a charity event for which friends needed help, I had to visit different markets and deal with numerous people over getting sponsors and getting arrangements done. Through the course of this excursion I had to interact with numerous people and demonstrate communication skills which involved interacting with people at all levels, such as common laborers and store owners. This feature of interacting with people at all levels is beneficial in the sense that it helps later to impress employers (Seneca, 2001). Through the course of interacting with people I was able to get some good contacts that would come in fruitful for future use while also overcoming my dread of speaking to strangers and becoming more comfortable talking to people (Hargie & Dickson, 2003). Self Assessment Measuring one’s leadership skills, one must first recognize the types of leaders that exist. There is some argument as to whether there are 6 types or 7 types of leaders but personally I prefer to side with the 7 types argument. Based on 5 criteria leaders are placed into the types of the transformational leader, the enforcer, the deal maker, the administrator, the visionary, the serial entrepreneur and the spin doctor (Taffinder). The five factors upon which leaders are determined are: impose context, have conviction, generate critical mass, challenge and change and they make and take risks. With respect to the definitions provided, I would rank myself as an Enforcer. This is due to the fact that I am risk averse when groups are concerned and tend to stick to tested and tried guidelines. I am highly confident when taking actions and try to motivate team members in a manner that they have the feeling to achieve something (Brill & Barth, 2008).  I avoid taking unnecessary risks since the responsibility of leading a team in my opinion does not permit one the opportunity to take risks. If the risk pays off that’s well and good, but if the risk does not, then the leader is responsible for the outcome of events. This responsibility I believe takes away the liberty that a leader should have and should make him more serious towards leading his followers to attaining the goal (Ball, 2003). Judging anyone’s interpersonal skills is not so easy as it involves feedback from external sources. When others tell one how well they are performing, then one can be any statement regarding the success or failure of it. I would say that I am sufficiently endowed with my interpersonal skills. I would come to the conclusion taking into account the success rate when dealing with others. I have often had to conduct affairs with other external groups and so far I would say that I have done a very good job in carrying out interpersonal dealings. Researchers suggested that self analyzing when related to interpersonal skills should be avoided by researchers since the judgement would always be biased and the answer would be uninfluenced in very rare case (Rubin, Palmgreen, Sypher, & Beatty, 2004). This goes back to the point mentioned that since people are unaware as to most of what they do, determining the efficiency of their success in Interpersonal Communication is very hard to do. A concept known as Self Monitoring usually leads to greater success in determining a person’s interpersonal skills. Self Monitoring is a trait exhibited by famous good public speakers, as they were very receptive of their audiences and could adapt their presentation as per the response from the audience. Many politicians such as Bill Clinton for example have been reported to have strong Self Monitoring skills. Viewing myself through outside eyes I have surmised that in the short time that I have become more pro active in interacting with others, I would say that I am quite successful in interacting with people and can easily carry forward a conversation and can entertain and communicate with others effortlessly (Corbin, Corbin, & Lindsey, 2007).  If compared to the extent required in the managerial world and professional world, I would have to say that the skills I possess are somewhere between acceptable and need slightly more improvement. Since leadership is a situational issue, with leadership sometimes being given and other times not, only time can tell how well one has performed. Some situations require more insight and expertise whereas others are relatively simple as all you have to do is inspire your team and it successfully finishes the task on its own (Drucker, 1995)I have usually encountered the former as I haven’t yet witnessed any intense leadership role where I’d have to make decisions which would lead to greater consequences. Interpersonal skills are essential for any business activity and comparing it to the market levels I would say that some improvement, or refinement, is needed. Even though I am not hopeless with my interpersonal skills, it is still a far away from being absolutely perfect. I believe I possess enough skills to at least get the basic jobs done. Development Plans To improve upon my interpersonal skills, I have decided to listen to the suggestions stated. Smiling more often when talking to others, being more appreciative of others comments, paying more attention to others, practicing active listening (applying stuff that I have learnt through listening to others), bringing people together, trying to resolve conflicts, communicating early, and in a humorous manner, trying to see other people’s perspectives and avoiding complaining are some measures that I plan to adopt in order to improve my interpersonal skills (All Business). Following these tips I plan to become more popular in crowds and become more receptive to others when interacting with them. These tips would help me in making a more favorable impression in front of others and become a popular and pleasurable person to talk to. And that in turn would make communicating with others more easier for me and more often. Currently what I’m lacking due to inexperience with interacting with others would be resolved if I strictly follow these mentioned tips. To develop my leadership style I must first note where I fall behind other successful leaders, and in this case, I have identified that I am highly risk averse and in return wind up hindering group from reaching its full potential. Taking more risks, but with the consent and full information being provided to the group so that they can give their feedback as well, I will try to move towards becoming a Transformational Leader who not only gets the job done, but inspires the followers to think of the goals as their goals as well and have a combined motivation towards the job as well. Conclusion Leadership and interpersonal skills are very important for today’s managers as it is the manager’s job to get the tasks done while keeping a strong healthy relationship between all levels of the employees (Koellner, 2002). Currently I am more than capable of handling the simple situations which may arise on a day to day basis, but to actually handle situations which may affect a larger scale, I need to work harder to build my skills so as to become a Transformational leader (Argyris, 1976), who is the best type of flexible leader, and to have good links which can only be forged if the interpersonal relations I have with others are good. Without strong interpersonal skills, no one can actually get the full whole hearted support from others. A person should seek external opinions to actually gauge where he is standing since these are inherent qualities and people are not qualified enough to correctly identify their skills. References All Business. (n.d.). Ten Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills. Retrieved April 28, 2009, from All Business: Argyris, C. (1976). Increasing leadership effectiveness. R.E Krieger. Ball, J. (2003). Managing People. Retrieved April 28, 2009, from Brill, F. S., & Barth, R. (. (2008). Leading and Learning. Stenhouse Publishers. Corbin, C., Corbin, C. B., & Lindsey, R. (2007). Fitness for Life. Human Kinetics. Drucker, P. F. (1995). The Practice of Management. Harper Collins. Hargie, O., & Dickson, D. (2003). Skilled interpersonal communication. Routledge. Hayes, J. (2002). Interpersonal skills at work. Routledge.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Civic Speech Outline – Teachers
He told his Peasant Princess that she would want for nothing. Well this was new. â€Å"If I want for nothing, then what want do I want? ‘ She thought long and hard about what she could do with her life. The Peasant Princess finally had an opportunity for a proper education. She loved children, and she spent all of her free time creating art projects. Why not combine all the things she loves? Education, Kids, Arts†¦ Do you see where this is going? As an elementary art teacher, she could spend every day doing all the things she loves. And they lived happily ever after!Well yes they did however this Isn't the end of our story. Soon thereafter, Prince Charming ‘s kingdom was overthrown by an evil king named Private Equity Firm. Private Equity took over the kingdom and stripped the Prince of his throne. Once again, the Prince and Princess were struggling peasants. No longer could she invest her time and limited resources in a future career that would pay no return beyond the humble reward of tiny smiles. Goal/Purpose My civic engagement, or calling, was to be an elementary teacher. Today, we will explore the passion many people share to be a teacher.We'll discuss the many benefits and rewards of the position. Then we will question, if it's so great why are so many teachers leaving the profession, within years of obtaining their degree, or In my case, even before then. In another lifetime, or should I say In a land far far away, this was my dream. L. Why? For me? A. . It wasn't the money, my prince provided well. Negative experience as early as Kindergarten. Ensure that didn't happen to others. Iii. V. This was my natural calling. Who I am. How I act. I wanted to make a difference and feel proud. B. For others? According to UNC (Univac of North Carolina, not Colorado) 9 Reasons to be a Teacher Experience the Joy of Making a Difference Have a Vocation, Not a Job 2. Enjoy Interpersonal Interaction 3. Benefit From Variety 4. Laugh Every Day 6. Have a H igh Level of Autonomy 7. Spend More Time With Your Family 8. Enjoy Lots of Vacation 9. . Summarized . Rewarding I'. Fun Summers off ‘v. Vocation II. How many are leaving? The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future estimates one-third of all new teachers leave after three years, almost half after five years! B.Statistics show 40% of students who pursue undergraduate degrees NEVER enter the classroom. I. Take other Jobs instead. Ill. Why? A. You heard my reason. I. Money can't buy happiness? Neither can poverty. It. Ranked #2 of the 30 worst paying college majors. Iii. #22 on a list of lowest paying Jobs that require a bachelors degree lb. Salary the US $35,000. 1. 40 hours = roughly $17 [hour. 2. +30 hours/week grading and planning = $10 b. Other reasons from teachers who left the profession: Starting I. â€Å"One of the big reason I quit was intangible, but very real. It's Just a lack of respect. †ii. Teachers in schools don't get to call the shots. I no longer have control ever how I teach my class†iii. â€Å"Lack of respect from parents who feel â€Å"my taxes pay your wages, so you work for me lb. From older male teachers â€Å"l eventually felt pressured to advance into higher-level administration. †v. â€Å"There is an overwhelming amount of after-hours work that cannot make up for the free summers†c. Neighbor I. Kindergarten teacher-two boys-heading to Jar high. It. Spends more on supplies and decorations for her classroom each year, than she earns. Ill. Once her children no longer attend this school, she plans on leaving as well.Conclusion Today, I shared with you my lost civic engagement to be an elementary school teacher. My children are no longer in grade school; in fact they are now in college themselves. My educational path will eventually bring me too point where I can teach at the college level and by then my grandsons will be attending college themselves. I honestly don't know what I would adv ise if they chose to be elementary teachers. In case you didn't catch it. I am the princess, although we have never quite been poor peasants. My husband was, is, and always will be my prince charming. And yes, we live happily ever after! Class Dismissed!
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Brachyury gene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Brachyury gene - Essay Example The nature of Brachury proteins explain the gut and posterior mesoderm characteristics of the kingdom animalia (Evans et al. 2012); that is, homogenous and heterogeneous animals. In cases where the Brachyury proteins fail to express themselves in the gut and posterior mesoderm, it means that those animals lost these T domain genes in the process of evolution. Brachyury proteins of the T domain are found in ascidians, cephalochordates, and hemichordates. Since they belong to the T domain, this gives DNA binding characteristic to the Brachyury proteins. According to Beddington, Rashbass and Wilson (1992: 159), the nature of the well known mouse mutant, Brachyury (T) in cloned mouse is revealed by its sequence, which is â€Å"an open reading frame of 436 amino acids†. In the blastocyst stage embryo, this T gene is present in the inner cell mass, which is then followed by the primordial stripe. Brachyury proteins can also be considered as transcriptional activators, because they h ave the ability to get attached to a 24-bp palindromic target sequence (Brody 1997, par. 24). Beddington, R.S.P., Rashbass, P., & Wilson, V., 1992. Brachyury - a gene affecting mouse gastrulation and early organogenesis. Devclopmcni 1992 Supplement. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 April 2013] Evans, A.L., Faial, T., Gilchrist, M.J., Down, T., Vallier, L., et al., 2012. Genomic targets of Brachyury (T) in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE, vol.7, no.3, p. e33346. [Online] Available at [Accessed 19 April
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Williams Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Williams Company - Essay Example New business direction promised opportunities for the Williams Company and resulted in high revenue growth during 1998-and 2001. An examination how strategy is formed gives useful insights into the nature of financial strategy itself. In 1999 Williams decided to list WCG (Williams Conunumcatiort Group) in initial public offering. It was made to have a major source of finance from shares came in the form of IPO that raised approximately $650 million and 5725 million raised through placements to private investors. The main problem was that Williams did not take into account rapidly changing environment of the telecommunication industry, long-term predictions as for its financial activity, and economic peculiarities of the industry. There were two main problems led into collapse: the industry suffered from over production and it could not fared well in the economic downturn. Williams took pains to improve the situation by newly issues shares of WCG equity. Again, Williams faced with the problem of indirect "credit support" WCG's debt" provided for WCG. In accordance with the legislation it was treated as "pff balance sheet," and did not appear as a liability on the firm's balance sheet. An addition to this in April, 2002 the state security started investigation process as for WCG's financial activity. Accept WCG financial problems Williams faced problems with Energy Marketing and Trading Divisions caused by the unstable market situation. Credit ratings and rising yields on the trade worsen the situation and created another problem for Williams traders which needed a credit but were unable to get it from counterparts After these nuisances, Williams developed new financial strategy based on "aggressive program of asset sales" and capital expenditure. The plan to cut investment was developed in previous years and was the promising one to help Williams to overcome financial crisis. The investment made by warren Buffin in Williams allowed Williams to achieve financial flexibility and economic stability at the middle of 2002, but did not sole the main problems. In addition, Berkshire Hathaway and Lehman Brothers offered a 900 million dollar loan to Williams, but on the strict terms. Williams financial reporting involves the collection and presentation of data for use of financial management and accounting. According to the Exhibit 2 and 3, the main financial figures of the Williams companies main positions are high in comparison with Domination Recourses, Murphy Oil, except Dynegy company. The net income of William applicable to common shares figure has the highest rate between 1999-2001. According to the financial data Williams Company has the market value on equity which increased between 1999 and 2000, but failed in 2001; only Dominion resources has the highest rate. The figures of the total assets of Williams Company show the stable growth in 1999 and 2000. Because of the crisis affected the company the level of total assets decreased 1,5% in 2001 but remains the highest in comparison with its competitors. The cash flow investment activity was $1,970M (1999), 2,337M (2000) and 3, 543M (2001). Only Dominion Resources has the high figures in 2001. It is known that EBITDA is used to analyze the profitability between companies and industries, because it eliminates the effects of financing and accounting
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Policy making in the federal system Research Paper
Policy making in the federal system - Research Paper Example roads and bridges), and preventing accidents. States will determine their own objectives for enhancing cargo transfers, reducing blockage, modernizing infrastructures, and ensuring safety. MAP-21 incorporates a number of conditions to cut down costs and expedite project delivery time (n.a., 2012, 1). This essay analyzes how MAP-21 raises the issue about the conflict between state (local) and federal governments, its pros and cons, its effectiveness as a policy, and its consistency with the constitutional framework of American federalism. When the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) concluded in 2009 the Congress agreed to draft another transportation proposal. The Senate successfully submitted a thoroughly drafted proposalâ€â€MAP-21. This Act was a major bipartisan program (Dilger, 2012, 1). Even though federal authority over surface transportation policy is still important, MAP-21 characterizes an extension of earlier focus of reauthorization on enlarging the state administrations’ executive power. For instance, the policy grants state governments more freedom in the utilization of federal highway support. It also grants states more freedom by increasing the projects entitled to resources reserved for non-highway associated improvements, like historic conservation, renovation of rails, and environmental protection. State governments were also given greater privilege to shift a percentage of those resources, within given conditions, to other fe deral safety and highway projects (CMAP Updates, 2012, para 4-5). However, some argue that the federal government has an obligation to make sure that federal resources are spent in the most resourceful and valuable way to advance the national objective of safeguarding the environment and boosting national economic development (Dilger, 2012, 2). They believe
Monday, August 26, 2019
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75
Discussion - Assignment Example . This poem clearly brings out the theme of courage well. Unlike his peers who strive to impress the visiting audience, Michael chooses to do what he perceives right in his eyes even though he knows the backlash he would receive from the society. Since beginning of time, those who act contrary to the norms of the society are the ones who make a difference on earth. Like a child, he is at peace with what he does and loves. Like a rose has both the male and female parts, he blends both masculinity and feminism. Cultural conflict is the dominant theme in this poem. Different races and cultures are always in conflict with each other and in a bid to advance their ideologies or to prove their superiority over others; most conflicts end up in bloodsheds. In Casual Wear, a tourist woman falls victim to a vicious attack by the terrorist. While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. The tourist may have come from a nation that was in conflict with the terrorist’s country. She wears extravagantly in a country that fashion is not taken seriously. Just like her clothes did not matter to the terrorist, so was her life. The main cause of terrorism is cultural differences. Using force or violence to counter terrorism will only result to more violence. The best method to stop terrorism would be to accept other people’s cultural, ideological and religious beliefs. Stereotyping people will only lead to more resentment. For example, Muslims are portrayed as terrorists in most Hollywood films. This should be banned. Ballad of Birmingham is based on a real life bombing of an African-American church in 1963. The poem begins with a girl begging her mother to go to a freedom march, but her mother refuses. She however allows her to go to church where she believes is secure. Unfortunately, the church is attacked by arsons and the little girl dies. The message that is clear is
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Accounting research summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Accounting research summary - Essay Example It is necessary to study effectively of how the roles of managerial accounting information affecting the behavior of individuals who form the organizations. Organizations make judgments and decisions that focus on the amount of information given to employees. In spite of perfectly rationalized assumptions that govern models of economic behaviors, it has been noted that the judgments and decision of producers and users are not effective. Research in managerial accounting is essential to help evaluate the quality of the judgment within any organization. This research provides useful insights in the benefit ad cost of managerial accounting practices that support decision making within the organization. An organizations managerial accounting system is a factor utilized to motivate employees. Research managerial accounting helps to determine the extent which the practices motivate individuals in organizations and helps them mitigate their differences in interest. Research managerial accounting helps individuals to determine the extent of social motives, and they have a chance of embarking on actions that have the best of interest of the firm. It has been determined that the utility of effectively designed experiments is effective for the study of cause-effect relationship under irregular conditions. They manage threats that have valid inferences and this enables researchers to come up with conclusions concerning both the independent and dependent variables of interests. The decision-influencing managerial accounting role refers to the use of information with an aim of motivating employees. The role of managerial accounting is viewed as the minimization of post decisions and it entails of scorekeeping information. The utility of managerial accounting information for decision influencing purposes influences the behavior of employees. This usually occurs through a close monitoring, evaluation and rewarding of competent actions and performance. For
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Byzantine Women and Their Role in Byzantine History Essay
Byzantine Women and Their Role in Byzantine History - Essay Example The focus then becomes women and their roles in Byzantine society. Women’s challenges, power relationships, and even their daily routines are revealed in these stories of holy individual women, from all walks of life. Each of the saints is used to illustrate to a greater or lesser degree, the following aspects of Byzantine women’s lives: Marital violence Transvestite monks Travel for women Married women as saints The conclusion is then reached that the Vitae of the Holy Women of Byzantium are valuable historical tools, of interest to modern audiences because of their relevance to modern women’s rights movements. The Essay Introduction This paper explores the information to be gained from accounts of the lives of holy women in Byzantium as they are recounted in texts called vitae – the stories of these women’s lives as summarized by biographers, showing their holiness and aspects of their lives relating to their sainthood (B). The stories are used to illustrate how such accounts are highly valuable to assist the modern historian to derive some knowledge and clarity about these women and their lives and position in their society (A). While the focus will remain on the women and their role in Byzantine society, some points are also to be made about the social, economic, cultural and political conditions within Byzantine society (A). Women’s challenges, power relationships, and even their daily routines are revealed in these stories of holy individual women, from all walks of life (D). With this in mind, the essay begins with an overview of the contents of these vitae. It then explores the dynamic and relevant information revealed through these texts, in the descriptions, sometimes seemingly incidental descriptions, giving clues as to the politics and culture of the time. Especially the roles, conditions and behaviors of these women are then highlighted, and provide insight into the lives of these historical women, for comp arison with modern women, and their striving toward equity and respect in modern, western societies (C). It is concluded that the texts provided, while not completely factually accurate as they could be, do give a modern reader and researcher valuable insight into more than just the biographical details of a group of admirable and notable Holy Women in Byzantium. The Vitae and Byzantine Society Written to prove the holiness of a particular person before the recognition of a person as holy by the church, a person’s vita would illustrate why that individual had the qualities required to be what is today understood as a Saint (General Introduction, p. viii). What is convenient to the modern historian, though, is that the descriptions and comments the writers of a vita would use to illustrate the life of the potential saint, are valuable personalized and direct clues which reveal many aspects of the daily lives of people in Byzantine society. To some degree, also, historical even ts described in these texts assist to verify dates, rulers, political conditions and even the general societal and cultural attitudes of ordinary people in this society. It appears that the outward signs of religious devotion in this society often depended on the philanthropic acts of
Friday, August 23, 2019
International Relations and how Iran has effected the Middle East Research Paper
International Relations and how Iran has effected the Middle East - Research Paper Example Situated in the Persian Gulf, Iran remains the region’s strongest military power and hosts the region’s largest population. Moreover, Iran is the Persian Gulf’s â€Å"main country straddling the strategic Strait of Hormuz through which†more than half of the world’s oil passes (Ramazini, 1979, p. 821). The Persian Gulf’s strategic position and Iran’s prominent political and geographical position within, makes Iran a very important actor in both regional and international security. The Persian Gulf joins Africa, Europe and Asia and connected to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf also connects the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Moreover, Islam was born in the Persian Gulf and thus the culture of the Persian Gulf is profoundly characteristic of Islamic values (Sajedi, 2009). It is therefore hardly surprising that the Persian Gulf has come to be known as the â€Å"center of the Muslim world†(Sajedi, 2009, p. 77). Stagedi (2009) informs that: Owing to its strategic location, the Persian Gulf region has been the center of attention for traders, businessmen and big powers for a long time. The commercial interests, through shipment of goods from the Persona Gulf to the outside world and vice versa have made this region so important for big powers that wars have been fought over its control (p. 77). From 1700 hundreds forward, the Persian Gulf has been the focus of political and commercial competition among maritime factions in the West. When oil was discovered in the 1900s in the Persian Gulf, oil became another fortified the interest in the region. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the Cold War saw competition between the US and the Soviet Union for power in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East generally. Until 1991 a climate of fear was perpetuated in the region over
Corporate Organ in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate Organ in China - Essay Example The PRC Company Law 2005 has enhanced corporate governance, transparency and minority shareholders protection. The terms and conditions for the establishment of the liability companies and joint stock limited entities have been softened. The Company Law 2005 has barred the directors and management of the limited company from the violation and contradiction of their official duties and responsibilities towards the company. According to the law, in case of any mismanagement or financial manipulation, it is the controlling shareholder, director or senior manager, who is personally responsible for their failure to handle conflict of interest situation. The approach has been responsible for the lifting of corporate veil. The directors of Chinese public listed companies have been barred from participation in any matter, which has direct relevance with tier authority, based on interest. The approved PRC Company Law has encouraged the accountability process, and has recommended strong action against the controlling shareholder, if found guilty of abusing the profits and benefits of limited liability. The previous PRC Company Law failed to protect the legitimate and financial interest of minority shareholders. ... In case 1 if the company disapproves the disposal of its major assets, or in case if the company is involved in any merger or acquisition deal, the minority shareholder has the right to pressurize the company for the purchase of their shares. The minority shareholder also has the legal authority to take judicial action against the directors, if the directors are involved in embezzlement of funds, or breach of fiduciary duties. The PRC Company Law has authorized the .3% of the total shareholders to request the Board of directors, and seek their opinion and consideration towards the submitted proposals and agenda. The shareholders also have the right to call upon Board of directors meeting in case of violation of an article or law is observed. The PRC Company has further authorized 10% of the shareholders to seek liquidation of the company through submission of a petition in People's Intermediate Court2. The shareholders have the right to access and secure company's corporate records, accounts and articles. Limited Liability Companies: Gains for Minority Shareholder The PRC Company Law has abolished the previously approved system, according to which the company intending to launch their subsidiary were to contribute 50% ceiling on such investment activities. The PRC Company Law has encouraged the companies to establish their subsidiaries unconditionally3. The company law has further encouraged the involvement and participation of the local shareholders by increasing the non cash contribution from 20% to 70%. Even those shareholders having intellectual property rights have the grant to contribute and participate in shares transaction. However condition has been
Thursday, August 22, 2019
An Introduction to Native American Literature Essay Example for Free
An Introduction to Native American Literature Essay Native American literatures embrace the memories of creation stories, the tragic wisdom of native ceremonies, trickster narratives, and the outcome of chance and other occurrences in the most diverse cultures in the world. These distinctive literatures, eminent in both oral performances and in the imagination of written narratives, cannot be discovered in reductive social science translations or altogether understood in the historical constructions of culture in one common name. (Vizenor 1) Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to America, and their importation of Africans as slaves, has led to centuries of conflict and adjustment between Old and New World societies. Europeans created most of the early written historical record about Native Americans after the colonists immigration to the Americas. 3 Many Native cultures were matrilineal; the people occupied lands for use of the entire community, for hunting or agriculture. Europeans at that time had patriarchal cultures and had developed concepts of individual property rights with respect to land that were extremely different. The differences in cultures between the established Native Americans and immigrant Europeans, as well as shifting alliances among different nations of each culture through the centuries, caused extensive political tension, ethnic violence and social disruption. The Native Americans suffered high fatalities from the contact with infectious Eurasian diseases, to which they had no acquired immunity. See more: how to start an essay Epidemics after European contact caused the greatest loss of life for indigenous populations. In 1830, the U. S. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the government to relocate Native Americans from their homelands within established states to lands west of the Mississippi River, accommodating European-American expansion. Perhaps the most important moment of governmental detribalization came with the passing of the Dawes Act in 1887 which set aside 160 acres for each Indian on the reservation, and opened the â€Å"leftovers†up for settlement. According to the U. S. Bureau of the Census (1894), the Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. Native Americans were thus pushed out from their own lands and were forced to live in small reservations assigned by the federal government who claimed that setting the Indians on the course to civilisation best ensured their survival. Tribal customs were then forcibly altered and nomadic tribes became sedentary. All Native Americans felt the impact of the new reservation policies, which sought to isolate and contain Indians to make room for an expanding American nation. At the same time that Native Americans were being excluded from the nation, white Americans began to look to them as the source of a unique national identity and literature, distinct from European traditions. Literature from the period depicting Indian characters was incredibly popular, and many works are still celebrated as classics, including James Fenimore Coopers The Last of the Mohicans (1826), Catharine Maria Sedgwicks Hope Leslie (1827), and Henry Wadsworth Longfellows Song of Hiawatha (1855), to name only a few. These texts employ the trope of the disappearing Indian, which represents the deaths of Indians as natural, similar to the changing of the seasons or the setting of the sun, rather than the result of political exclusion or social discrimination. Thus the disappearance of Indians from the American social landscape was not only depicted within this body of writing but also implicitly approved of. At the same time the government sponsored authors and art programs; the proletarian themes of discovery, regionalism, and tourism were new forms of dominance over Native Americans. Therefore, early Native American authors wrote within a hostile political climate and in response to a dominant literary tradition that sentimentalized and condoned the death of Indians. But they found the means to engage with their detractors by authoring their own accounts of Indians that challenged stereotypical beliefs, demanded equal political rights, and proved that Indians were neither disappearing nor silent. Native American authors have faithfully presented some of these issues of inherent native rights, the duplicities of federal policies, and the burdens of racial identities in their short stories and novels. Wynema by Sophia Alice Callahan published in 1891, was the first novel attributed to a Native American author. Callahan, who was a mixedblood Creek, was aware of tribal issues at the time and therefore devoted most of her novel to native issues. Since then many novels by distinguished Native American authors have been published. One of the most important writers among Native Americans in the 1930’s was D’Arcy McNickle, a member of the Flathead tribe of Montana. His first novel The Surrounded was published in 1936, two years after the Indian Reorganization Act was passed near the end of the Depression in the United States. His novel is the poignant story of a mix-breed family and the tragedy of their exclusion from both the red and the white worlds. Because of cultural misunderstandings, which begin between the Indian mother and Spanish father, suspicion, fear, and finally death take their children. The novel is a history of alienation. Kenneth Lincoln who coined the term Native American Rennaissance pointed out that in the late-1960s and early-1970s, a generation of Native Americans were coming of age who were the first of their tribe to receive a substantial English-language education, particularly outside of standard Indian boarding schools and in universities. Conditions for Native people, while still very harsh, had moved beyond the survival conditions of the early half of the century. The beginnings of a project of historical revisionism, which attempted to documentâ€â€from a Native perspectiveâ€â€the history of the invasion and colonization of the North American continent had inspired a great deal of public interest in Native cultures. During this time of change, a group of Native writers emerged, both poets and novelists, who in only a few years expanded the Native American literary canon.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Arguments On Gods Existence Philosophy Essay
Arguments On Gods Existence Philosophy Essay Does God really exist? This is perhaps one of the most sought answer that has divided humanity into two discrete ideologies theism and atheism. To subscribe to either of the two doctrines, one would first need to understand who or what is God? The most conventional definition of God that cut across most religions is God is the creator of the universe and everything on it. One would therefore argue that for God to do all this He must not only be self existent, omniscience, omnipotent but also the Highest Form of Being. This assertion and believe has by and large provoked deep rooted enmity between atheists and theists. While one can sometimes feel obliged to lean towards Atheism based on the arguments extended by atheists the strongest conviction of existence of God is perhaps realized through theists support for existence of God as their arguments are satisfactory as opposed to atheists that are more often than not left hanging. Theism is the most popular doctrine in the world today because one is easily convinced by arguments put forward to support Gods existence. These arguments are multi faceted spanning from various dimensions; history, science, and philosophy. Historical arguments emanate from a religious perspective most notably Christianity. Stories from the Bible both Old and New Testament talk of the existence of God as the creator of the universe and everything in it. God existence is mentioned in the Bible in more than one occasion. The scriptures talk of God who created the heavens and earth in six days. By faith believers are urged to believe in his existence; And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Every individual who has this religious affiliation or believe accepts God existence and hand in natures creation. From a religious perspective one can therefore understand natures beautiful creation. In addition, believe in existence of God or a Superior Being transcends diverse societal cultures, civilisations and even continents. Surely this does not fit the description of a mere coincidence but rathe r an unknown force (God) causing this belief. Critical thinking be it evaluation of logic or deductive reasoning put forward as philosophical arguments further justifies the existence of God. Three main philosophical arguments explains the existence of God; anthological, first cause, and argument from design. Simple reasoning clearly shows that there is a God. Trying to argue otherwise defiles logic for one cannot even explain where the intelligence to question His existence comes from. If one really knows what or who God is then arguing that He does not exist is just as vague as its illogical. The universe must have come into existence at one point in time. However, nothing ever creates itself in light of this it must have been created by someone or something that is inconceivable and that was there from the beginning (God). No matter how we may want to deny Gods existence we cant explain creation of the universe from a mere explosion, who and what caused the explosion? What was exploded and who created it? Unless we embrace the fact that another supernatural forces really exists, none other than God! The world perfectly supports living things, the sun and other planets arrangement in space can only be described as artistic. If anything were to change like maybe the sun moves closer to the earth all living things would die the reverse is also true. Can a Big Bang cause such perfect dispersal? Why is everything still in precise locations after millions of years? Its definitely because there is a god who designed this universe to support life, period!! The existence of God can also be explained through scientific experiments of living organisms properties that portray high level structuring of DNA. While living cell denotes unique arrangement that is actually instructional like binary codes that run a computer programme, scientists have failed to explain this existence of such a pattern without programming, it therefore goes without saying God must have made it that to guides organisms activities. In addition the complexity of a human brain cannot be fully described by evolution theories in place, only God is capable of making a human being a very bright creature. Existence of God is not only practical but theoretical as well. As one examines nature, Gods presence is manifested in many forms ranging from perfectly arranged planets and sun to complex minute cells with unique structured DNA that guides organisms activities. Scholars more importantly scientists have failed to provide a satisfactory explanation of these phenomenas thus rationalizing the existence of God who makes all these possible. Critical thinking and deductive reasoning regarding the coming of existence of the universe has proofed beyond any reasonable doubt that the universe did not come into existence by itself but rather by a creator who can only be God. However some arguments put forward to explain Gods existence are contradictory and at best may just seem as illusions rather than facts. For example arguing that everything that exist has a cause is logical but merely stating that God is self existent along the same line of thought undermines the fact that the statement is trying to put across, one may wonder if God is complex and is inconceivable, why cant the universe being a complex phenomena be self existent too?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Features in Igloo Construction
Features in Igloo Construction Introduction Due to the freezing temperature in winter seasons, some people would prefer to take shelter inside houses where fireplace can warm the body. These houses are commonly built made of either wood or concrete. But not for the Inuit people. The Inuit people constructed homes and villages using snow. Yes, thats right, snow. Why would anyone create a shelter in the tundra region using snow? Because a snow shelter is surprisingly warm inside. The most popular ice shelter is the igloo. However, there are other types of ice shelters such as the quinzhee and snow caves. Igloo The igloo (fig. 1) is the customary haven of Inuit living in the far northern districts. Most people would picture an igloo as a dome shaped structure made entirely out of snow blocks. However, an igloo doesnt have to be made out of snow blocks. The word igloo (or iglu) traditionally means a house made of any type of materials [cite]. The popular type of igloo is constructed using snow blocks in a round frame in which the walls bend into the center tow °rd thà  µ toÑâ‚ ¬ to ц¢h °Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ  µ  ° ц¢now v °ult in which the angled roof can support itself. Usually, the entrance of an igloo is shaped like a tunnel and located at the bottom of the structure. The igloo usually has a small hole on the top that serves as ventilation. A warm shelter made of ice An igloo, even though made completely out of snow blocks, are surprisingly warm inside. But how is it possible? The secret behind an igloos warmth lies behind the materials used to construct it. Igloos are typically constructed using packed snow molded into rectangular blocks. These blocks are then stacked around a cavity. After the blocks have been placed, the cavity would then be uncovered. Usually, igloos do not have a flat surface, rather it is structured into different levels (fig. 2). The reason for the unlevel surface is because air becomes denser the colder it is [cite]. Due to the difference in density, the cold air inside the igloo would clump together in the lower level of the igloo forming a cold trap. In other words, the igloo is built based on the principles of physics. While outside temperatures may range to -49.0  °F, the insides of the igloo may be as warm 61  °F [cite]. Construction The igloo is a dome shaped structure that can be built using blocks of snow inclining toward each other. The snow blocks are usually polished to completely seal the walls and the finished structure doesnt need any additional supports. If the igloo is built correctly, it should be able to withstand the weight of an average adult male standing on the top of the igloo [cite]. For a bigger igloo, the snow blocks are first lined up to shape a vertical wall rather than an arc. The structure is built by stacking the snow blocks in a spiral form as shown in figure 3. After the first row, more blocks are stacked on top of them forming an upward spiral, creating an arc that results in a self-supporting dome [cite]. It is not recommended to use fresh snow to build an igloo. To build an igloo, the snow used must have enough density so it can be stacked appropriately. When in use, the inside the igloo is typically warm enough to cause the inner walls to melt slightly. When the igloo is not in use , the melted snow will refreeze and develop a layer of ice that adds to the strength of the igloo. Given enough time, the igloo becomes a house of ice rather than snow. The igloo is commonly built in three different sizes for different purposes [cite]. A smaller igloo is typically built as a temporary shelter when hunters are out on the land or sea. The medium sized igloo is semi-permanent, and usually houses one or two family. There are often a number of medium sized igloo in an area which forms a small village. The larger igloos are usually two igloos connected through a tunnel, with one building used for events and the other to live in. Quinzhee A quinzhee (fig. 4) is a snow shelter made by digging out a pile of snow, creating a hollow area. Usually, a quinzhee is constructed only for temporary use, unlike an igloo which is semi-permanent and made using snow blocks. The word quinzhee is of à  th °b °Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢k °n origin [cite]. Since the quinzhees are not typically built as a permanent shelter, the snow used to construct a quinzhee doesnt need to be as dense as the snow used to construct an igloo. It is easier to construct a quinzhee compared to an igloo. However, a finished quinzhee would be not as durable as an igloo and is more prone to collapsing in harsher conditions. It is easier to build a quinzhee compared to an igloo. However, a finished quinzhee would not be as durable as an igloo. Due to the quality of the snow used, the quinzhee is very likely to collapse in harsh weather conditions. Because the quinzhee is usually only constructed in times of need, its aesthetics and quality are traded for time and materials [cite]. Snow Cave A snow cave (fig. 5) is a type of ice shelter built by digging through snow. Using the same principles as an igloo, the entrance of the snow cave is built lower than the main area to trap warm air in the main area, and like a quinzhee, is only for temporary use. Even though outside temperatures may be as low as -40 °F, the inside of a properly made snow cave can be as warn as 32 °F [cite]. Glacier Cave A glacier cave (fig. 6) is a special kind of ice shelter as it is not made by human hands. Most glacier caves are created by water running through or under the glacier [cite]. The running water usually comes from the melting surface of the glacier, entering the ice at cracks which enlarge after some time, both by erosion and melting. Due to global warming, many large glacier caves have disappeared as glaciers around the world melt [cite]. Dangers Ice structures, unfortunately, also comes with risks and dangers. The risks of these dome shaped ice structures include the dangers in ventilation, and structural integrity. When an igloo is made with a diameter of 10 feet or bigger, it has to be built in a perfectly shaped dome otherwise it will collapse. The quinzhee is more prone to collapsing than an igloo. Because of the warmth inside the quinzhee, the inner walls of the quinzhee would melt. Since a quinzhee isnt built from sturdy snow blocks like an igloo, it is very likely to collapse which may cause death.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Richard A. Wasserstroms Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues Es
Richard A. Wasserstrom's article "Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues." Criticisms of lawyers are the topic in Richard A. Wasserstrom's article "Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues." Wasserstrom broke this topic into two main areas of discussion. The first suggests that lawyers operate with essentially no regard for any negative impact of their efforts on the world at large. Analysis of the relationship that exists between the lawyer and their client was the second topic of discussion. "Here the charge is that it is the lawyer-client relationship which is morally objectionable because it is a relationship which the lawyer dominates and in which the lawyer typically, and perhaps inevitably, treats the client in both an impersonal and a paternalistic fashion." Wasserstrom considers a few options with in his discussion concerning a multitude of aspects faced by lawyers. "The lawyer's situation is different from that of other professionals. The lawyer is vulnerable to some moral criticism that does not as readily or as easily attach to any other professional." Thi...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
What Is Depression? :: Psychology Emotions Papers
What Is Depression? "I feel like I can't do it anymore. There's just too much pressure. I just want people to leave me alone; let me sleep for a while. I hate school. I hate sports. I hate everyone. It's not worth's not worth it. A couple pills and it could all end..." This is how I used to feel. Since 9 th grade I've had depression. As with so many other kids it went unnoticed. I did everything to cover up how I was feeling inside. I thought, "Maybe if I just forget about it, it will go away." I was wrong. I blew up. I cried and thought of killing myself on the spot. I couldn't take it anymore. There was so much anger, stress, and sadness, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I broke down crying in my coach's office one day because I got kicked off the baseball team and he had no idea what was going on. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. At first, all I could do was cry. After about 10 minutes of tears, I finally told my coach how I was feeling. I told him that every day I had to think of a reason to live. I told him I didn't want to deal with it anymore. He was the first person I shared my thoughts with. I still remember how he responded. The first thing out of his mouth was, "I had no idea. I th ought you lived the greatest life of anyone in this school." Then he just listened while I told my real life story; the life that I covered up. When I was finished we both just sat there. After a long silence he finally said, "You need to get some help..." Depression is a long-term or short-term feeling of sadness and usually has physical symptoms associated with it. This is the clinical definition given by the National Institute of Mental Health in their article, "Depression." Everyone feels sad at some point and it can last for a while.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Essay
â€Å"I have a dream†was a speech delivered on August 28, 1963 by Martin Luther King in Lincoln Memorial Washington D. C. Martin Luther King’s role or position in his speech is that of an illustrator, or a mediator of peace and equality. He becomes one of those people who have seen the light and wanted to share this light to those other individuals who are still in the dark. He wanted or dreamed of a community wherein racial discrimination is no longer an issue. His ideal community is where everybody is free, no biases for either black or white people nor black or white community. He is in a position as to persuade the people to become more vigilant in watching their freedom and in receiving or wanting equality and justice. He also wanted each and every people to understand that one’s freedom or destiny is bound to the other. Because of this, he wanted everybody to properly exercise civil rights and must not prevent people from using this privilege. Generally, the intended audience of the speech is the black people, and also those who are not such as the white people, but are living with black people or in black communities. However, everybody can read or listen to his speech or statement because of the underlying principles included in his speech and his dreams or ideals can be utilized or preferred as a model for civil rights. â€Å"I have a dream†greatly inspires and effectively infuses its point of view to its audience, transforming dreams into reality and despair into hope; we dream of being free, and we become free because of this dream. Martin Luther King was prompted to write or make the statement or speech because of the continuing slavery that entangles each and every people, especially for the black people or communities. In addition to this, the belief and treatment or actions of the black people against the white people had alarmed the author to write or make this speech to the public. According to Martin Luther King, the slavery of the black people may have been released or abolished because of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. However, nowadays or 100 years later, this freedom from slavery is still ambiguous and it does not exist. In addition to this, Martin Luther King believes that there are still a lot of people who are experiencing police brutality and social discrimination. In addition to this, he thinks that the rights and privileges which were given to the people, especially the black people, is not properly implemented or received by the black communities. Martin Luther King takes on the affirmative side or in favor for equality amongst the black people and also the white people. He clearly shows or supports his stand through several examples and emphasis on his words or statements. Martin Luther King claims that every individual should learn to respect and give what is right to their neighbors. He is aware that there are people who are still suffering beyond the hands of law. He reasons this out by giving examples of those who were misunderstood, brutally beaten indiscriminately and provides logic as to why dreaming is an important part in one’s body. Martin Luther King is qualified to be a speaker or author of such paper because of his records and performance not only as a politician but also an individual who greatly cares for justice and freedom. I believe that the assumptions, ideas or claims of Martin Luther King are correct and good, with some deviances especially through the use of audio, video or format or instructions at more school. He was able to provide examples of real life situations where the civil rights of an individual becomes hindered. In addition to this, the audio and video formats are very much entertaining and at the same time, inform the audience of the predicaments of equality or justice in nations or communities. However, there are some claims or dreams which are somehow impossible to attain such as complete equality and freedom from prejudice from all countries or states. Being able to read Martin Luther King’s work, my perspective before to ignore claims and evidences and become settled in what the community gives me, had greatly changed. As such, the degree of my trust towards Martin Luther King did increase due to his great speech which is definitely eye-opening. The author has refutations that include the fulfillment of his dream or conditions in order to achieve a country, state or community. He also refutes the fact that freedom is already complete. The refutations made by Martin Luther King are really effective. In addition to this, he uses great emphasis on his words and greatly touches the sympathy of those who are listening to his speech. He was able to clearly state his dreams, one after the other and manage to state options or categories which would fulfill his dreams. His last statement â€Å"Free at last! Free at last! †gives hopes and restore the faith which people have for change and better living. As an individual who had already received the light from Martin Luther King, my desire for helping other people and providing equality or non-biased reactions had increased. My hopes for a better communication and media for spreading the word of the real scenario on freedom and equality also increased because of the persuasive message or speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Somehow, a part of me already wants to do something in order to help and at least be able to create balance within communities. In addition to this, his metaphor of a ring, representing one goal, and fingers representing the people, is really amazing and in reality lightens my belief. I thought that we are already saved, but the paper of Martin Luther King had taught me well. Works Cited Jr. , Dr. Martin Luther King. â€Å"American Rhetric: Martin Luther King Jr. : I Have a Dream. †Atlanta, 2008. February 11, 2008. Intellectual Properties Management. .
College Athletes Essay
For the longest time the NCAA was never a multi-billion dollar industry; many years they did not make half of that. Many big colleges had budgets that would make teams such as Alabama, Georgia, Miami, Oregon, Etc. laugh about what they were able to provide for sports. There have been questions for years about whether a college athlete should be paid or not and if athletes deserve to be paid for what they do at that level, after already being paid to go to school there, for most of the players. When athletes go to college they still put themselves in the same physical danger as a professional athlete does. The NCAA alone is a multi-billion dollar industry that generated over 845 billion dollars last year in 2011. Facts have shown that college athletes in the NCAA, on an annual salary, make zero dollars; however, it is a blessing that they are going to school for free. This business is that they get all the work done and the business they want to come in and basically the NCAA athletes work for free. Having a scholarship and having their education paid for is something great but the money they get for school is not the only money they need for the bumpy road to their profession. The billions of dollars that is received annually is nowhere close to being equitable to just a bachelor’s degree. What the student athletes are earning is a big slice of heaven to some students and their families of course, but it showed accumulate to something higher than that degree of college education. â€Å"The NCAA has been historically stubborn over changing its ways to adapt to the times. But lately, even NCAA President Mark Emmert has conceded that it may be time for college players in big money sports to start getting a cash stipend amounting to as much as a few thousand dollars per year. †(Blake Baxter, Eureka College) At least the president of the NCAA has been admiring the idea of giving money to the players and helping them through their college years. Being an athlete in college is having a job, and their job is to bust their butts at practice, come to play on game day, and repeat that cycle, with no pay. Many athletes with their schedules do not have time to make themselves meals, so they have to buy food or they drive to places where they could get it- which costs money in gas. Football and basketball at the Division One level have been the biggest suppliers of money because many of their revenues. These two sports have evolved to the level that coaches and universities are making staggering amounts of money off of the talent of their student-athletes. With the amount of money coaches and schools make, the athletes should be able to get paid for their hard work, all the pain that they put their bodies through, the countless hours of practice workouts, and classes. Surely they need to be paid for putting it all on the line. Argument #2 Many college athletes make decisions that will change their lives- such as Trent Richardson, who played for University Of Alabama. Richardson had to deal with the decision of having to raise two children while being a full time college athlete. When all this was going on, Richardson had no income what so ever, no time, and was dedicated to the football program at U of A. Richardson brought publicity to his school and to other athletes with children that they were trying to raise. While Richardson was at school playing, his two daughters would be at home with their mother watching their daddy play and kissing the screen when he would appear. â€Å"He’s a big strong guy, he’s hitting everybody in practice. And when he’s around his kids, he’s a completely different person,†running back Eddie Lacy said. â€Å"He’s real sweet. He’s a good father. †With all the strength he shows on the field and the sweetness he shares with his daughter, and the hard work he and others put out, they still earn zero dollars each year. It shows and tells all the time- he puts in time and effort to make it in life and take care of his girls â€Å"It’s a level of maturity you don’t normally find among guys his age,†running backs coach Burton Burns said. â€Å"They are a priority for him. He has a tough schedule with school and football, but he is going to find time to spend with those girls. †That level of maturity should never be second guessed and overlooked to give certain players money to get through school and help raise their family like in Richardson’s situation. He is basically working a full time job, going to school, and playing football for Coach Saben. He needs to get what he earns, which would be a little salary. A father and athlete that could say this â€Å"I don’t want them to struggle like I did, to go through the stuff I had to go through,†Richardson said. â€Å"That’s really motivated me on the field. â€Å"Because when I play with my girls on my mind, I feel like nobody can stop me. †Richardson is not the only struggling college athlete. There are a lot of other teams in college that have athletes that participate in the games and practices but do not get any profit from their hard work and dedication. Argument #3 Eric LeGrand, the former Rutgers University football player who was paralyzed from the neck down during a 2010 game, GIving the same effort that each professional athlete makes each game day. Players putting their bodies in this physical danger, and only getting a certain degree when graduating after four years of college. LeGrand the Big Defensive Lineman was on kick off team running down the field trying to make a tackle, and when hitting a player he fell to the ground and was motionless; it was devastating. â€Å"The way Eric lives his life epitomizes what we are looking for in Buccaneer Men,†Schiano said. If the NCAA would recognize the effort and the danger these athletes are put in, they would be generous and give college athletes a little salary. Players like LeGrand are why i stand behind the decision to pay the players a little profit of what they help make. Without all of these amazing athletes i dont beleive the schools would encounter most of the money they make as a university or college. NOt just football, other sports bring in huge amounts of money from ticket sales, team apparel sales, etc. College Athletes are the epitome of where all the money comes from and deserve more then a bachelor degree, and deserve a little allowance for all their hardwork, bringing in a lot of the income. Works cited http://usatoday30. usatoday. com/sports/college/football/acc/story/2012-01-08/tough-guy-richardson-softens-up-as-a-dad/52458854/1 http://www. cbssports. com/collegefootball/story/21575106/if-college-athletes-really-owe-schools-money-then-they-must-be-paid
Friday, August 16, 2019
1. Who benefits from the government policies to (a) promote production of ethanol and (b) place tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane? Who suffers as a result of these policies? ANS: Benefiters in promoting production of ethanol: -Corn producers. They get subsidies from the government and get a free way of marketing from the government. The government promotes consumption of ethanol, ethanol is produced out of corn, so indirect marketing for corn farmers that will get more demand out of policies that promote ethanol. -Ethanol sellers. -People all around the world. As to be seen in the direction of global warming, you can say that using ethanol is better. But using ethanol leads to increasing food prices. So there is a negative and a positive side. -Businesses. If farmers get subsidies from the government they can lower their price. If farmers lower their price, the production to produce ethanol becomes cheaper thus making ethanol cheaper. Businesses that use ethanol will have a cheaper price, reducing costs and increasing profits. -The Government. In a democratic society we are seeing right now that a lot of people go green. When going green the government is trying to let you know that he cares about the world and he wants to make it better. It is a win win situation because there are no people in our opinion that are opposed in going green, but they are a lot of followers and possible followers that support an environmental friendly world. Benefiters in placing tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane: -The Gove rnment. They get all the money out of these tariffs. Sufferers as a result of these policies: -Countries that produce sugar for a living. Profit goes dramatically down when talking about a 25 to 50% import tariff. -Countries that set import tariffs for sugar. Countries that produce sugar can have put import tariffs themselves as protection against the country that has an import tariff on them. And countries that produce sugar can consider other possibilities when exporting their product to another country. They can acknowledge that it is not in their best interest to produce products to a land where import tariffs are so ridiculously high. They can see other possible solutions. 2. One estimate suggests that if food prices rise by one third, they will reduce living standards in rich countries by about 3 percent, but in very poor ones by about 20 percent. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, unless policies change, cereal prices will rise by 10 to 20 percent by 2015, and the expansion of bio-fuel production could reduce calorie intake by 2 to 8 perc ent by 2020 in many of the world’s poorest nations. Should rich countries do anything about this potential problem? If so,what? ANS: Rich countries should not give any subsidies to the bio-fuel corn farmers. They should decrease import tariffs so that it can be cheaper for countries that produce sugar (and so they can make bio-fuel out of sugar) thus increasing the amount of sugar that countries can export. They should develop new ideas in how they can attack environmental changes through cost-effective ways. 3. The argument for giving subsidies to ethanol producers rests upon the assumption that ethanol results in lower CO2 emissions than gasoline and therefore benefits the environment. If we accept that global warming is a serious problem in itself, should we not be encouraging government to increase such subsidies? What are the arguments for and against doing so? On balance, what do you think is the best policy? ANS: When the government started to subsidies farmers who grow crops. So they could turn them into bio – fuels ( primarily corn and soy beans ). More farmers where now planting crops, because then they got subsidies from the government. It’s also very good for th e environment. But it also has a negative side. When more farmers where planting crops. There was an dramatic effect on the demand for corn and soy beans. It increased very fast that in 2007 the U.S was responsible for half the global increase for the demand on crops. But when this happened the high tariffs where shutting out producers of the product sugar cane. So they could compete with the other products because the prices were so high. And that’s very unfortunately because sugar cane is an more friendly environment material than crops and soy beans. I think the best policy is to reduce the high tariffs on the other products. Because the sugar cane is even more environment friendly. And isn’t that what it’s all about, reducing the global warming effect. So I think they should drop the high tariffs and introduce the sugar cane.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
A Pen and A Paper: The Beauty of Life Essay
When can a person say that he or she finally learn what is life and what life offers? It is such a hard question and maybe not all people can answer it but when can we really give a proof that we were able to fulfill our mission in life? Life is a mystery and not all of the things happening in us have an explanation. Yes, maybe science can answer our question but can it lead us into understanding that life is a matter of taking choices and doing something worthy of our endeavors? One person’s life can be different to other and so it tells us that there are differences and one situation can be the same with hundred more all over the world. Thus, the power of a pen and a paper, magnificently performed its ultimate purpose, and it is to tell the whole world what it there in your world, no restrictions but just plain storytelling of something different or something common but made you who you are and changed the lives of many others. The perfect medium for intercultural communication that will unite several cultures from all over the world, literature is the key to understanding one’s roots and environment. Hidden Magic of Pen and Paper One of the best things in this life is the ability of the people to tell their own stories despite of it passing already. There are some things that can never be done again. However, through literature, we can go back to those days or we can simply learn about the great things in life, whether the story is sad or happy, in the end, we were able to give happiness in this life and we were able to share a piece of paper that holds down someone’s thought about everything in life. There could be several ways on how a person can share his or her thoughts, but a story that can last over a lifetime can be achieved when we decide to write down everything that we wanted to share to others. Although it is not the kind of medium that everyone can understand and everyone can learn on an instant, it is the medium that can be passed to several generations and can reach several nations. Traditional will always be more admired than what the present offers us. Perhaps we can simply say that as we use pen and paper in sharing magnificent stories about life and touching the lives of other people we do not know, we certainly understand that books, pen and paper have the ability to let other know about something associated with us. A Brave Thing It is indeed brave enough to hold an event that each and every one of the people around the world can participate into especially those who prefer to hold a paper and write down their thoughts. Not everyone can come out from their shell and simply let go of their creativity but some are good enough to take the risk. When you finally decided that in writing you can provide others help and enlightenment, then probably you can try to work on something that can help authors and others. Emirates Airline international festival of literature although is new was able to become successful and bring authors and fans together for a conversation, a debate, a dialogue which probably was a good part of the itinerarium. As the festival brings sixty-five authors and poets, they aimed to help others wherein poverty is one of the issues they have to tap. Organizing such events have deep reasons and the organizers were really intelligent to let something like this happened which will link other people from each other especially when we are talking about the boundaries of culture already. Although most of the participants came from one country to another which has different cultures and different environment, the festival served as a stepping stone towards uniting the field, the industry and the people who can understand that there should be no boundaries but the freedom to explain what they feel about. Although the festival seem to be a small gathering well, it is not and that the people have their own ways on how will understand what this festival wanted to convey. There are problems before the festival happened but because of the good intention of this event, it was not stopped and it was able to continue and perform its goal which is to bring writers together and also to bridge between cultures and differences.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
EBay In China Study Case Essay
Question 1 eBay first entered the Chinese market in 2002 by acquiring a 33% stake in its local counterpart, EachNet, followed by a full acquisition a year later in 2003. Critically assess eBay.s choice of market entry strategy for China (use Key Country Matrix), listing both the advantages and disadvantages of its acquisition strategy (use Drivers (YIP) -CAGE Matrix). 30% Key Country Matrix Looking at the structure of â€Å"key country matrix†, we notice that this matrix has two axes (the x-axis that shows the â€Å"competitive strength†observed in the country that we are studying; the vertical axis represents the â€Å"country atractiveness†). For China, we can say that among many others, there is a top 6 of factors that drive investment there (China is an attractive investment country): 1. Capital Availability; 2. Competitiveness; 3. Regulatory Environment; 4. Stability; 5. Local Chinese Market and Business Climate; 6. Openness to Regional and International Trade. Analyzing China’s competitive strength, we conclude that this is a country still developing. China has shortages of infrastructures and services in several markets (China’s competitive strength is not that high). Drivers (YIP) Location of activity is a crucial source of potential advantage and one of the distinguishing features of international strategy relative to other diversification strategies. Given internationalization’s complexity, international strategy should be underpinned by a careful diagnosis of the strengths and direction of trend in particular markets. George Yip’s drivers of globalization’ framework provides a basis for such diagnosis. CAGE 1. Culture distance; 2. Administrative and political distance; 3. Geographical distance; 4. Economic distance. The differences between the US and China are huge when evaluating the â€Å"culture distance†, the â€Å"administrative and political distance†, the â€Å"geographical distance†and the â€Å"economic distance†. When a company like eBay assumes intend to expand its business should be aware of these differences and adopt strategies that prevent these differences to interfere in business success. Vantages/Disadvantages of the acquisition strategy When a company like eBay assumes intend to expand its business to China should be aware of the differences between both countries and adopt strategies that prevent these differences to interfere in business success. As a disadvantage, we can consider the risk of the company not adapt in a positive way to the new market (there is the possibility of being rejected by the Chinese market). As an advantage, we can consider the possibility of this acquisition became a huge success and the sales can increase abruptly (as the Chinese market is really big, this means that eBay’s profit would be really high after this â€Å"movement†). Question 2 Assess the potential benefits and risks of eBay.s joint venture with Tom Online (use Global/Local Matrix). 20% The Global / Local Matrix assesses the volume of international trade and the volume of foreign direct investment in an industry. The industry in which it operates eBay is located in the upper right corner as shown in the figure. It is a global industry which revised the philosophy â€Å"Think Globally, Act Globally†and where there are high levels of international trade and foreign direct investment. In recent years the market for e-commerce in China has recorded tremendous growth. The joint venture on analyzing is based in the relationship between TOM Online and Skype communications company online at eBay Inc. EBay is one of the largest brands of e-commerce in the world and TOM Online is a provider of excellent services to Chinese consumers. Both companies will make financial contributions online, and the new market being built by a joint venture between eBay and TOM Online will provide a great experience for users. This joint venture will promove the connection between users and channels of distribution. Therefore, in our view this joint venture has everything to be a success. Question 3 Advantages / Disadvantages of JV international strategy On one hand, a Joint Venture strategy has several advantages, mostly when it is done on a market like Chinese one, which is very protective with its national firms and little accommodative for foreign companies. TOM online is one of the largest wireless service providers and the fifth-largest internet portal in China, which allows Ebay to penetrate the market faster and easier thanks to its existing brand-awareness among Chinese population, generating for ebay a time saver. TOM online has also a strong political asset by being supported by Li Ka-shing, the biggest holder of the company, who has also strong connexions with hugh-ranking officials both in Chian and Hong Kong. This success on the Chinese market shows that the firm has a great expertise on the specificities of this business area, and decrease the risk for Ebay to make mistake with its strategy. Also, by making a JV, the financial risks and costs decrease because they are shared between the two firms and a synergy is created between the two sides, increasing the financial power of the firms and allowing them to launch project with shared financial participation. On the other hand, with a JV, the earnings have to be shared, so they are lower. To make this partnership happen, it demand a lot more work and energy than with the other type of partnership. That includes heavy research about the law and the compatibility between the two structures. This setting of the JV comes with a lot of impact on the management of the new entity. There is risk of disagreement on how the dividends should be shared, disagreement on the managerial model to adopt and on the global strategy. All these problemes can bring to conflict of interest and make the JV losing market shares. Question 4 : Strategic recomendation on International Commercial Strategy for E-Bay: â€Å"Alliance, Acquisition or Abandon Strategy†: Cf Excel document for QSPM Matrix. Due to this QSPM analysis, we can see that the acquiring method is still more than the expanding method, but from close, thus we know that Ebay is the auction website, so we can council them to continue acquiring the other companies†¦
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
A Model of International Company that Trades with Lubricants Term Paper
A Model of International Company that Trades with Lubricants - Term Paper Example A multinational company is a company that conducts its trade between two or more countries. To conduct the business, a set of rules and regulation are laid down by international organizations and the countries where these organization conduct business. One common effect is the fluctuation of different currencies. The volatility affects the profitability of international trade. Also due to the currency volatility, there is a very high probability of the traders incurring loses on future sales. The formation of any multinational company is rigorous and most of the companies are run as joint ventures, mergers between two companies, private limited companies, public limited companies, licensing agreements among others. Corporate finance deals with the making of an appropriate financial decision for the company. These decisions are made using analytical tools. These tools help in the maximization of corporate value and in the management of the firm's financial risks. The decision made may be classified as short term or long term. Long term decisions involve capital investments decisions while short term decisions involve managing the working capital. Financial risk management, aids in evaluations of risks and developing strategies to manage these risks. In risk evaluation, the nature of the risk is determined by evaluating the impact of the exchange fluctuation on the corporation and the nature of the currency one is trading with. Risks can be managed/hedged using financial instruments. These instruments include interest rates, commodity prices, stock prices, and foreign exchange rates. The most effective way to manage financial risk is by the use of derivatives that trade on the financial markets. These derivatives are traded using instruments such as futures contract, Forwards contracts, swaps, and options.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Haemophillia type A genetic disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Haemophillia type A genetic disease - Essay Example At times, there occurs a change in genes or mutation which alters the instructions present in genes for protein making. Then the protein either misses entirely or stops working properly, causing certain medical condition known as genetic disorder. So, a genetic disease refers to a disorder or illness that is caused by one or multiple defects and abnormalities present in the genome. It is particularly caused by a certain condition which is congenital (present since birth). Such disorders are usually rare to occur and, in several thousand, only one person is affected (Griffiths, Anthony; Wessler, Susan, Carroll, Sean, Doebley, John, p. 57). The genetic abnormality in many people may range from minor to major, or in other words, from a single base discrete mutation in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality connecting the subtraction or addition of a set of chromosomes or chromosomes on whole. There are different types of genetic disorders; some are passed down to children from parents, while many other genetic abnormalities occur due to mutations or acquired changes in a preexisting group of genes or gene. It is usually due to the various environmental exposures that gene mutations occurs (MedicineNet). The disorders caused by mutation of genes may not be heritable sometimes, i.e., passed down to offspring from parents genes. The genetic disorders that are non-heritable as they may be defected by the new changes or mutations to the DNA. In these situations, if the defect occurs in germ line, only then, it will be heritable. On the other hand, the inherited genetic conditions in some people may be the reason for the occurrence of same disease, such as a particular type of cancer (Kuliev, Verlinsky, p.179–83). This happens mainly through the environmental reasons and also by new mutations in many other people. The inherited deficiencies of coagulation factors include Hemophilia A and B, also known as
Operations Management - Discussion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Operations Management - Discussion Paper - Essay Example The question of survival of the fittest has made the business organizations to increasingly take resort to the above strategy (Lawler and Worley, 2006, p.154-155). The paper endeavors to further divulge on the issue of gaining a new workforce at the cost of the existing people in a much detailed fashion. Maintenance of Stable Workforce within Organizations in Respect of Changing Markets The fact of changing market conditions impose challenges over the business organizations in regards to maintaining a stable workforce. It is found that to overcome the stress of external changes in the technological and competitive business sphere business organizations have shifted their endeavor to work for the development of the existing people to recruiting readymade skillful and productive workers from outside. Though it is held that retiring workers increases the turnover cost of the concerns yet it helps the concerns to strategize the development process of staffs to meet market demands. In ord er to compete with the technological and business development of its competitors the business concerns need to take in effective manpower that can be trained quite faster to help the organization counter market challenges. The policy of taking in new recruits and retiring the existing people in regards to market changes and opportunities is referred to as ‘travel light’ and was employed by Kodak when film technology shifted from chemical to digital. Chemical engineers were replaced by digital photography engineers (Lawler and Worley, 2006, p.154-156). Workforce Stability in Organizations based on Financial Position of the Concern It is observed that taking resort to the above discussed ‘travel light’ human resources policy endangers the business organization in regards to increasing the cost of human resources of the concern. The organization needs to both render immediate financial benefits to the retiring employees and also to invest quite enough to recru it and train the new workforce. Further the new workers need to be properly streamlined into the business process which requires enough time leading loss of productivity and thereby rise in business costs. Administrative costs also get highly tuned to such both in relation to rendering advertisements for recruiting and also in terms of generation of insurance, uniform and other costs for the new individuals. Again the new employees on failing to use the machineries in the right manner lead to increase in the cost of erosion of such. The time required for the new employees to be trained properly requires existing employees to perform the overtime work for which they are required to be rightly paid. This increases the cost of operations for the firm (Indicator Protocols Set: EC, 2006, p.7). Organizational Productivity in terms of Skills and Competition and Workforce Stability Organizations round the world in order to better compete with their competitors are found to take resort of ne wer and productive workforce based on new skill sets. However such practice of the business conc
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The Key Factors Dictating Stalins Attitudes And Policies Toward Essay
The Key Factors Dictating Stalins Attitudes And Policies Toward Religion - Essay Example There is no politician accused in so many uncommitted crimes. How to understand this ambiguous personality? The best way is to address the documents and the recollections of the people who were acquainted with him. Stalin’s regime is characterized by mass repressions of 1937-1939 and 1943. This period is also characterized by extermination of the outstanding figures in the field of science and art, church and religion persecution, forced by industrialization that turned that USSA in to the state with one of the strongest economies in the world. Stalin’s regime was also the period of collectivization that led to agriculture downfall, mass escape of peasants form villages and the famine of 1932-1933. There are many questions around Stalin’s personality, which can be addressed in this paper: if Stalin was despot in relation to his companions and subordinates, if he really was unskillful leader and impeded the process of the war, why Stalin’s contemporaries co nsidered him to be brainy. All these questions are very interesting to be answered, however, the given paper will investigate Stalin’s attitude towards religion: what it was and how it was formed. *** Stalin is one of the greatest oppressors. He was a master of destinies of millions of people. The Soviet Union was focused on eradication of religion. It is incredible, but Stalin thought that it was necessary to take away the most important trigger of human spirit, which is religion. Stalin positioned himself as God. He wanted to be the most powerful human being in the world. Physical features of Stalin and his middle height were hidden behind his artificial power. He was unattractive pygmy, who wanted to compensate his physical vices by his cruel intentions taken against other people. Therefore, the Communist regime was enriched at the expense of church resources. Religion was ridiculed and the believers and followers were prosecuted. Atheism was promoted at schools, but the C ommunists wanted to position their beliefs as the most important and the crucial for the society. Anti-religious campaigns of Stalin’s policies were focused against the Russian Orthodox Church. This religion had the largest number of followers. There were 50,000 churches, but in the result of this anti-religious policies only 500 remained open. Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941. After that year Stalin was promoting patriotic feelings of his nation and restored the Russian Orthodox Church. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox churches had become active. Other types of religion were also oppressed during the regime of Communists. Attacks on Judaism were dangerous in the Soviet period. Religious practices of Judaism were almost forbidden and the followers were prosecuted. â€Å"Nonetheless, Davies discovered that throughout the periodbelievers could be found among all segments of society. The population stubbornly resisted official antireligious propaganda. Moreover, the church held special attraction for it continued to provide a type of entertainmentwhen other diversions were lacking† (Dunn 2004, p. 156). It was a kind of entertainment for people to go and take part in different forbidden rituals. Russians were positioned as those, who were prevented from following their own religious beliefs or any other triggers for their possible normal functioning in the society. In the majority of cases average Russians were positioned in opposition to other nations. At the same time, Russians were not totally prosecuted; they were put under a strong control and supervision of their almighty rulers. Communism was ever existent form of ruling and oppression in
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