Thursday, August 27, 2020
Thomas becket Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Thomas becket - Research Paper Example Thomas was conceived December 21st, 1118 or 1120 in the group of a rich and prosperous dealer, a resident of London †Gilbert Beket. The name Thomas was given to him since he was conceived on St. Thomas the Apostle’s day. Both Thomas’ guardians were of Norman family line. Next to no is thought about Thomas’ youth. What we can be sure of is that his mom was a noble and magnanimous lady, giving him some recompense to provide for poor people. That greatly affected him and assumed a key job in making him what he became in his grown-up life. Becket concentrated between the age of ten and twenty-one, no doubt somewhere in the range of 1130 and 1141. He concentrated in a couple of instructive foundations, for example, the Augustinian cloister at Merton in Surrey, and afterward in at least one of the language schools in London. His understudy life was spent in Paris. He was not an especially diligent understudy. His mom was the person who urged him to consider. Truth be told, when she kicked the bucket, he halted his training at age of twenty-one. Forthright Barlow says about his training: Thomas’ rather crude instruction caused the biographers some trouble. They realize that, despite the fact that he was very smart, he was never a very remarkable scholar†¦ Presumably, in light of the fact that he turned into an ecclesiastical overseer and afterward a saint†¦ regardless of whether he had been an oblivious student, in ten years he must’ve experienced the entire educational plan at an unassuming level and gained some information on the seven liberal arts†¦ But obviously he had not aced the subjects†¦ It is additionally evident that, in youth, he didn't continue past the fundamental educational plan. His lawful and religious examinations relate to later times of his life, to callings which required those uncommon capabilities. (Barlow 21) Thomas’ father, Gilbert Beket endured budgetary issues, so Thomas had to discover a work. He previously filled in as an assistant for a family member, however later turned into the operator to Theobald, the then-current Archbishop of Canterbury. He was sent on a couple of significant missions to Rome. He was endowed with a lot, and his productivity paid off. Theobald prescribed him to King Henry II for the situation of Chancellor. Becket was named to this situation in January 1155. On this post, Becket demonstrated his political splendor †he bulldozed manors, fixed the Tower of London, raised, arranged and drove troops to war, directed different conciliatory missions and so forth. He was totally trusted by Henry II, who, other than a dependable and dedicated subject, saw Thomas as a dear companion and an extraordinary partner. He helped the King in his strategic subject all force under the control of the ruler, in any event, when his inclinations were in opposition to those of the congregation. As a Chancellor, Becket lived and went in extravaga nce. This unequivocally repudiated with his status as Archdeacon of Canterbury. Another intense and negating event was the way that he straight would not leave this post, despite the fact that he ignored his obligations. Theobald disliked his activities enormously, Becket when he was approached, didn't show up before the withering Archbishop. This is another reality students of history broadly condemn. During this time the Gregorian change had started to be executed, spreading from the Holy Roman Empire, Italy and France and began to impact English ministers also. As indicated by the change, the administrative posts were selected by free races, an issue of free intrigue to Rome was executed, and other such changes, that made the congregation progressively autonomous from mainstream rule. Henry II
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Possible Change of Teachers Attitudes throughout their Career Research Paper
Conceivable Change of Teachers Attitudes all through their Career - Research Paper Example Freedman and Carver (2007) repeat that actually held qualities and convictions of the educator have huge effect on in-class instructing rehearses. Lobby (2005) underpins this idea, opining that it is the individual convictions of educators that â€Å"inform their expert mentalities and direct in the classroom.†There is, at that point, an unquestionable connection between close to home estimation frameworks and the development of training style after some time which could, hypothetically, have noteworthy effect on the choice to, at first, look for a vocation as a secondary teacher. As per Morris and Maisto (2005), the complexities related with instructing require a self-realized person that finds critical psycho-social prizes for advancing higher learning and instructive improvement in understudies. Under most models of brain research and human science, self-completion is the condition of enthusiastic being in which an individual effectively tries to seek after their greatest utility and the apex of their capacities picked up once self-assurance and confidence have been created inside the person. At the point when a secondary teacher first terrains their position, they regularly try to break the notorious form of educating by endeavoring to make remarkable and separated study hall substance and instructing styles. Loaded up with new thoughts, the educator looks to make a feeling of individual having a place with showing peers and with understudies which impacts starting instructing styles. Instructors will frequently search out collusions with other training facilitators and heads in an instructive situation alluded to as networks of training, an assortment of talented people that work together to advance finding out about a particular ability or practice (Wenger, 2005). Notwithstanding, it isn't long into profession where such exercises will frequently meet with brought together orders of control where organization and spending issues forestall powerful help of these networks of training. Numerous instructors will endeavor to make increasingly contemporary and imaginative educational program content, utilizing assistive advances to encourage present day learning ideas and standards (Bausch and Hasselbring, 2004). Different instructors with an end goal to build up a positive name for themselves in the scholastic condition endeavor experiential learning educational program, a type of hands-on figuring out how to encourage a real and creative learning experience (Merriam, Caffarella and Baumgartner, 2007). In any case, what is hazy is whether these primer and starting needs and qualities stay consistent all through the advancement of the instructing vocation. A Qualitative Study To figure out what impacts perspectives of secondary teachers right off the bat in profession and all through the development of training, it was important to direct a little scope subjective investigation using a little example of secondary teachers as membe rs. Subjective research was the most feasible and solid procedure for this investigation as estimating complex perspectives in a scope of psycho-social standards can't precisely be estimated measurably. It was important to lead semi-organized meetings with at present rehearsing secondary school
My Dream Essay
Hi everyone, i’m Doan Phuong Ly and I have been learned at Saigontech since 2012. My principle major is Business Management. What's more, I will have 2 additional semesters to complete this program. I do truly appreciate the business so that subsequent to moving on from this school , I trust that I can manage the cost of myself to go to the higher business program like MBA or rather , I will go to some Advanced Diploma affirmation which is important to my business later on. As an individual who are keen on business, I have to know the fundamental needs and rudiments of business so when I joined this course I feel it appears to be extremely helpful and important to accomplish my objectives in my work life now and later on. Eventhough, this course is short yet it incorporates alot of substance about the business, for example, the business condition, how to making †financing †advertising and dealing with a business. In my life now, I have a considerable amount of issues when I need to start my own business, for example, opening my design shop, i’ve met a significant heaps of difficulty to distinguish and discover the most ideal approach to reach to my motivation. Luckily, while taking an interest in this course, there are an excessive number of things in books and furthermore my educator bolster a loads of business information. It causes me to apply to my business work now, and in the event that I can go further, I can comprehend the monetary circumstance with the goal that I may deal with my business all the more viably and I will make a lot of progress in my future.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Question about how Immanuel Kant defined problems and attempted a Assignment
Question about how Immanuel Kant characterized issues and endeavored an arrangements - Assignment Example What changed the substance of reasoning without precedent for history is Kant’s answer to the issues produced by these conventions. In any case, Kant contended that the old division between posteriori realities and priori facts which were utilized in the two camps was very inadequate in portraying the supernatural cases which were under question. Likewise, an investigation of information requires a differentiation among scientific and manufactured facts. Logically, the case exists in the subject. Thinking about this case, Everyone consumes space, the part of consuming space essentially clarifies in an examination of being a body. Artificially, the subject of the case doesn't contain any predicate. In the case, This tree is 120 feet tall, the ideas are united to frame another case which doesn't have any of the individual ideas. Kant further contends that Empiricists didn't prevail with regards to demonstrating the engineered priori claims like the reality there is a reason behind each. Their significant supposition that was that the two coming about classifications were thorough (Lucien, 100). As indicated by Kant’s contentions a manufactured from the earlier case must be valid without speaking to understanding, without including the predicate inside the subject. This is the place the empiricists flopped as they didn't give their legitimization. So also, realists made the equivalent
How to Write a Conclusion For Research Paper
How to Write a Conclusion For Research PaperWriting a conclusion for a research paper is an important part of research writing. A conclusion makes the paper's conclusions all the more compelling and believable. But does this not also have a great deal of pressure on you?A conclusion should be able to stand on its own as it should not be simply to sustain the rest of the research paper. You must write a conclusion that is strong enough to offer the reader something new, yet logical enough to be read in conjunction with the research paper. Thus you should be ready to build on previous ideas and findings. This is one of the most difficult aspects in writing a conclusion.What you need to do is to come up with a conclusion that has the capacity to stand out, even if it is only after you have built up the rest of the research paper. The conclusion should have sufficient information and not be too vague. It should also be believable.A conclusion for a research paper should be very logical a nd should convey to the reader why your conclusion is so important. To achieve this you must study your subject well. You should know the subject well and also what it is that you are trying to say through your research paper. And finally, your conclusion should be very well supported by the rest of the paper.One way of putting forward your conclusion is to relate it to the research paper's main point. What you need to do is to remember that you are presenting a solution to a problem. If the conclusion is illogical or does not follow a specific line of thought, you can still present it using this method. It is only if it can serve as a tool that is part of the research paper and not an extra.Another method of writing a conclusion is to relate it to the topic of the paper. This is a very good way of putting forward a conclusion that will stand out. There are many different ways of presenting a conclusion.You should also consider the style of the paper and how it will look once the pa per is published. In this case you need to consider the visual aspect of the conclusion as well. If the final draft of the paper will be put out as a book then you may want to use a title, subtitle or the full title instead of the conclusion. This is because in book publishing terms, the title is usually considered a concluding term.Conclusion for a research paper is very important to the success of your paper. You have to be careful in the way you frame your conclusions so that they don't sound too forced. While the conclusion is not a major part of the paper, you must ensure that it is presented well.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Causes Risk Factors - Free Essay Example
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can affect everyone of each race, age and gender. This mental illness is known as a mood disorder that causes uncontrollable shifts in moods from excited to severely irritable. Those suffering with bipolar disorder experiences episodes of mania or depression. Individuals that are diagnosed with bipolar disorder can also have symptoms of anxiety that can disrupt their cognitive behaviors, which can lead to substance abuse. In society today, there is a stigma of having a mental illness that can cause discrimination and become labeled as crazy or weird. To eliminate this reasoning, theories are implemented in recognizing the causes of this mental illness. Mental illnesses are at a rise for awareness in the United States as most individuals do not have the knowledge in effectively approaching this condition. The significance of the awareness of bipolar disorder and its effects on society is informative and relates to social work practice as groups and communities can form in the battle for effective treatment of this disorder because it helps inform people about its common factors biologically, environmentally, and physically. The factors can range from genetics, stress levels, or trauma. The models of intervention are also implemented to imp rove the assistance of their clients and their treatment. In reference to social work, social workers are involved to approach problems of bipolar disorder and the co-occurring symptoms associated with this illness in the micro and macro levels of social work practice. Social workers actively assess bipolar patients with therapy in groups, individually, or as a family unit in identifying factors that present prolonged relapse. Personally, bipolar disorder should be treated distinctly from other disorders as it is often misdiagnosed as other mental illnesses and the proper treatment will not be implemented. Once every individual with bipolar disorder is properly treatment with the most accurate medication, their daily lives will be aligned and they will no longer be compulsive nor disruptive with anxious feelings. CONCLUSION The psychoeducational model is an effective, therapeutic approach on educating bipolar individuals on the information of their illness and its treatment. Support and self-help groups constitute this model in forms of encouraging others to share information and approaches of their alike illness. This benefits the individual, their families and friends, and caregivers as an approach in beginning their initial step in treatment. Psychoeducation is considered a part of mental health practice which a person should (i) accept and recognize the authority of psychiatry to know them; (ii) come to see that they can moderate themselves; and (iii) see themselves as able to undertake a reflexive process of self?examination and change (Maree, 2017). A person accepts and recognizes their illness to get involved with their immediate positions to receive help. A person should also learn to moderate their behaviors through daily habits: eating, sleeping, taking medication. Lastly, the person should pa rticipate in changing how they think and what they do. This process falls into three stages of self-surveillance: separating the abnormal from normal, individualization, and specialization. The means of separating the abnormal from normal imposes on the need of contrasting normal and compulsive emotions. Individualization identifies ones own warnings or operational warnings (Maree, 2017), and specialization identifies the signals that precede the warning signs â€Å" warnings of warnings (Maree, 2017). Simply, to investigate further on earlier warning signs beyond the situation. Once the challenge of understanding bipolar disorder, the ability of personally coping and finding their own strengths can offer better control towards those suffering this illness. Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT) is plays a role in cognition with the behavioral pattern used to manage behaviors more commonly used for bipolar disorder individuals. CBT addresses an individuals beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors to improve that persons emotional responses and health (Gooding, 2013). This theory further describes CBT in reference to human behavior and the cognitive triad: the self, the world, and the future. Individuals with bipolar disorder may have feelings of depression and view the world as displeasure and think that their future will result in turmoil. In distinct from other theories, CBT handles current issues, rather than those of the past to focus on correcting the daily state of mind. This treatment can benefit in improving social abilities, practice watching your moods by journaling daily moods from a number scale, and balance a daily routine to prevent stress. Another method is to educate the person on their diagnosed mental illness. The most effective treatment for bipolar disorder is psychotherapy, which is based on the cognitive model. The cognitive model explains the function of the brain and its association with the body. Psychotherapy, is a type of method that defines coping for those suffering from moderate to severe mental illnesses by eliminating or managing their difficult symptoms to promote healing. This can be conducted as a group, individually, or as a couple for both adults and children. In getting the most out of this therapy, it has shown by research to improve emotions and behaviors and to be linked with positive changes in the brain and body. The benefits also include fewer sick days, less disability, fewer medical problems, and increased work satisfaction (Parekh, 2016). Psychotherapy associates with other approaches for bipolar disorder. The approaches range from one-on-one sessions, to role play or music to channel ones emotions. THEORIES/INTERVENTION MODELS It is explained that an individual would may feel dull or lifeless and want to revisit that emotion that made them lively and alert. The substance, now, takes over their moods and they become dependent on the substance in order to function throughout the day. The dual diagnosis of bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse is defined to represent a significant comorbid population, which is significantly worse than either diagnosis alone in presentation, duration, co-morbidity, cost, suicide rate, and poor response to treatment (Farren, 2012). The dual diagnosis is explained to help the two separate disorders and control one illness to treat it for the other to be defenseless. The effects of bipolar disorder and substance abuse can affect anyone of gender, race, and age. Of the U.S. population, just over 2.8 million new users of illicit drugs in 2013, or about 7,800 new users per day (NIDA, 2015) were abused. It is known in our society that many people are diagnosed with bipolar disorder; how ever, it is evident that there are many treatments in counseling those with the disorder to help overcome their troubled issues. According to the World Health Organization, 230 million people, or 1 in 20 adults, are estimated to have used an illicit drug at least once in 2010 (Drug use, 2018). The abuse of substances affects the bodys normal functioning and behavior of an individual, and has become a crucial problem in the United States for those with mental illnesses. As alcohol being the most commonly abused substance among bipolar individuals(Bipolar Disorder and Addiction, 2018), individuals abuse this substance more commonly as a calming comfort for their episodes of depression. Of the many drugs in the U.S., alcohol is more accessible and widely consumed as it is perceived as a recreational drug. Alcohol is known to alter moods of relief from tension and anxiety and promotes relaxation. In many cases, bipolar individuals are only consuming substances, like alcohol and pain medications, to control their symptoms instead of visiting a doctor and discussing medical help to manage in their own effective meth ods. One the other hand, there are most cases that harder substances, like cocaine and heroin, are abused to induce a manic state. BIPOLAR DISORDER AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE People with bipolar disorder often suffer from anxiety. This combination is dangerous as it can cause levels of energy and moods to elevate substantially to where the person cannot control themselves. Anxiety is a symptom of bipolar disorder that worsens the mental disorder. Anxiety is also a reaction to a stressor. It is a feeling of fear, unease, and worry. It can be rooted in any event that makes one feel frustrated, angry, or nervous (Difference between Anxiety and Bipolar, 2018). The impact of social anxiety, the fear of being judged or criticized in public, may occur alongside bipolar disorder. An individual can become stressed when they are encountered with an anxious situation. Although, it can be easily treated as he or she is able to manage the stressor. When an individual with bipolar disorder, with anxiety as a symptom, they are unable to control their elevated moods and often experience morbid irritability with extreme agitation and nervousness. It is clear to recognize the diagnostic of bipolar disorder co-occurring with anxiety. Common distinctive signs of a person with the diagnosis is averting from activities that may activate the feeling of anxiety and prolonged anxiousness even when not in a manic state. The individuals severe condition will become recognizable to everyone as they may not experience that fast thinking, but instead just an extremely disorganized thinking †not being able to keep their mind on one thing for more than a few seconds, not being able to accomplish anything (Phelps, 2014). It is evident that the link between anxiety and bipolar disorder conjoins affecting a persons cognitive behavior. This combination is complex for individuals and often leads to substance abuse that worsens the disorder. BIPOLAR DISORDER AND ANXIETY Manias are episodes of high, energetic moods that lasts a week or longer. People experiencing manic moments may suffer from irritability, have increased activity levels, have a lot of energy, talk really fast about a lot of different things (Bipolar Disorder, 2016) and insomnia. The depressive state is simply a biweekly period of intensive misery. The individual will have decreased activity levels, feel very sad, down, empty, or hopeless and feel like they cant enjoy anything (Bipolar Disorder, 2016). This can become overwhelming due to the fear of criticism or embarrassment perceived from others in society. The challenges faced with this illness are their uncontrolled actions and behaviors, searching for the most accurate mood-stabilizing medications, and the anxiety that accompanies the illness. As these social problems all accompany the condition, anxiety plays a role in the condition as it occurs together resulting in the uncontrolled mood swings. Bipolar disorder is a common mental illness that affects the normal functioning of the brain and the sixth leading cause of disability worldwide (Akinhanmi, 2018). It is occasionally referred to as a mood disorder as an individual with bipolar disorder may experience phases of repetitive, mood-altering swings varying from calm to irritable and depressive. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2.6% of adults in the U.S. live with bipolar disorder (Prevalence Of Mental Illness, 2015). Adults and children in the U.S. with bipolar disorder can, but have difficulties, live a normal life as everyone in society. Everyone experiences moodsbad, good, grumpy, and exciting oneshowever, this is different for those with bipolar disorder. Their moods are uncontrollable as they will experience highs and lows at odd times. For example, an individual can feel depressed at a birthday party and be ecstatic about an injury. An individual with bipolar disorder will endure unexpected episo des of intense changes in moods. These episodes will undergo symptoms of manic, depressive, or a combination of both symptoms. BIPOLAR DISORDER Every citizen in the United States can be diagnosed with a mental illness in their earlier or later years of life. This illness can affect nearly each normal functioning component of a persons body and cause brain dysfunctions. In each year, almost 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.43.8 million, or 28/5% experiences mental illness (Prevalence Of Mental Illness, 2015) in their lifetime. Mental illnesses, with a lack of understanding, are viewed as a stigma, a disgrace or prejudice against the mentally ill. This stigma creates discrimination to those with mental illnesses leading to the response of stating that they are crazy, nuts, a freak, or weird. Most illnesses are revealed through biological, psychological, or environmental factors. Genetics, stress, traumatic incidents, viral infections, anxiety, and substance abuse are common causes in explaining the development of mental illnesses. One common mental illness that develops from anxiety and stress is bipolar disorder.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Katrina What Went Wrong - 1726 Words
Monday morning, 29 August 2005, this is a day most New Orleans residents will never forget. This was the day a category 5 hurricane named Katrina made its catastrophic debut to the Gulf Coast region and killed over 1,300 people. (The White House, 2006, p. 1) After it was all said and done, the nation was shocked at the events that unfolded in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi and people were left wondering, â€Å"What went wrong?†National Geographic reported that the storm originated about a week earlier, 23 August, in the Caribbean and worked its up from the Bahamas making landfall Thursday, 25 August, in Miami. Winds at this time were 75-80 mph making it a category 1 hurricane causing some tree damage and killing two people. (Drye, 2005)†¦show more content†¦(The White House, 2006, p. 51) As for organizational and policy factors that led to planning failures, the report stated, â€Å"†¦federal response officials in the field eventually made the difficult decisions to bypass established procedures and provide assistance without waiting for appropriate requests from the states or for clear direction from Washington.†(U.S. House of Representative, 2006, p. 132) The effects of going against established procedures caused a lot of confusion amongst the different organizations and within the department itself. Another major breakdown in policy also affected law enforcement procedures. The process of deputizing federal officers as peace officers during this catastrophe proved to be more difficult than anticipated; the concern was federal law enforcement officers might find it necessary to make arrests outside of their federal jurisdiction. (U.S. House of Representative, 2006, p. 256) The reportShow MoreRelatedThe Lessons of Hurricane Katrina820 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction Hurricane Katrina resulted in massive loss of life and billions of dollars in property damage. There are many lessons worth learning from this event. Finger pointing started before the event was over. Most of the focus on Hurricane Katrina was on its impact on New Orleans; however, the storm ravaged a much wider area than that. This paper will briefly summarize the event, the impact on the city of New Orleans and the lessons learned to ensure preparedness today. Hurricane Katrina Formed off theRead MoreHurricane Katrin A Horrific Day For The City Of New Orleans1605 Words  | 7 PagesAugust 29, 2005, was a horrific day for the city of New Orleans. That day was when the deadly storm Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans. It was one of the worst hurricanes in the United States history. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Emily Dickinsons Most Well Known Poem - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 412 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Emily Dickinson Essay Did you like this example? Because I Could Not Stop For Death is the silent yet loud individual; Emily Dickinsons, most well known poem.(Tate 37).It was written in the 60s of the 19th century during the end of romanticism and beginning of the realism literary movement. (Napierkowski 31). Romanticism [emphasized] strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience, placing emphasis on such emotions as sadness, horror, and the awe experienced in confronting the sublimity of nature.(Pennys Poetry Pages Wiki). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Emily Dickinsons Most Well Known Poem" essay for you Create order Although Dickinson has received her ideas from the romantic era, [she] is more a realistic writer.(Poetry Foundation). Realism was an artistic movement that began after the revolution of 1848 in France in the 1850s. (Art Movement). They had rejected Romanticism, [dominating] French literature and art since the end of the 18th century. (Raven).It had revolted against the exotic subject matter and the exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic [movement]. (Raven). The reoccurrence of death had an impact on Dickinson poetry; It had led her to write by her fears, anxiety, and frustration(Dickinson). She did not adhere to any specific poetry format, such as imperfect iambic meter, and controversial subject.(Upinvermont).Furthermore, dashes and random capitalization were used quite commonly in Dickinson time period. Peak states that function, hyphens, em dashes and en dashes are essential marks in workplace writing(Peak). Other writers of the realism movement include Mark Twain; George Eliot; Henry James(The Literature Network); and much more. The psychological effects of events that took place in Emily Dickensons life and how they influenced the theme of her writings. Her poems seem very dark to the predominance of her poetry. It had happened that her poems trace back to death, and it is quite impossible to ignore the morbidity in Emilys poems. (Biography Online).There are quite a few people out in the world that believe her relationship with Reverend Charles Wadsworth had a great effect upon the darkness in her poetry, especially throughout the poem I had a funeral in my brain. Emily is portrayed as being isolated and lonely.(Healt). [She] stands among the greatest poets produced by America and perhaps the English-speaking world. Her voice and verbal artistry are unique, and her themes are both ageless and universal.(Cornelius). Focusing on I had a funeral in my brain is clearly as it sounds; contributing to death. Dickinson wrote not only to note the pervasiveness of death as ending, but also to explore the very nature of death itself.(Robert).
Friday, May 15, 2020
Creating Two Dimensional Arrays in Ruby
The following article is part of a series. For more articles in this series, see Cloning the Game 2048 in Ruby. For the complete and final code, see the gist. Now that we know how the algorithm will work, its time to think about the data this algorithm will work on. There are two main choices here: a flat array of some kind, or a two-dimensional array. Each has their advantages, but before we make a decision, we need to take something into account. DRY Puzzles A common technique in working with grid-based puzzles where you have to look for patterns like this is to write one version of the algorithm that works on the puzzle from left to right and then rotate the entire puzzle around four times. This way, the algorithm only has to be written once and it only has to work from left to right. This dramatically reduces the complexity and size of the hardest part of this project. Since well be working on the puzzle from left to right, it makes sense to have the rows represented by arrays. When making a two dimensional array in Ruby (or, more accurately, how you want it to be addressed and what the data actually means), you have to decide whether you want a stack of rows (where each row of the grid is represented by an array) or a stack of columns (where each column is an array). Since were working with rows, well choose rows. How this 2D array is rotated, well get to after we actually construct such an array. Constructing Two Dimensional Arrays The method can take an argument defining the size of the array that you want. For example, will create an array of 5 nil objects. The second argument gives you a default value, so, 0) will give you the array [0,0,0,0,0]. So how do you create a two dimensional array? The wrong way, and the way I see people trying often is to say 4,, 0) ). In other words, an array of 4 rows, each row being an array of 4 zeroes. And this appears to work at first. However, run the following code: It looks simple. Make a 4x4 array of zeroes, set the top-left element to 1. But print it and we get†¦ It set the entire first column to 1, what gives? When we made the arrays, the inner-most call to gets called first, making a single row. A single reference to this row is then duplicated 4 times to fill the outer-most array. Each row is then referencing the same array. Change one, change them all. Instead, we need to use the third way of creating an array in Ruby. Instead of passing a value to the method, we pass a block. The block is executed every time the method needs a new value. So if you were to say { gets.chomp }, Ruby will stop and ask for input 5 times. So all we need to do is just create a new array inside this block. So we end up with {,0) }. Now lets try that test case again. And it does just as youd expect. So even though Ruby doesnt have support for two-dimensional arrays, we can still do what we need. Just remember that the top-level array holds references to the sub-arrays, and each sub-array should refer to a different array of values. What this array represents is up to you. In our case, this array is laid out as rows. The first index is the row were indexing, from top to bottom. To index the top row of the puzzle, we use a[0], to index the next row down we use a[1]. To index a specific tile in the second row, we use a[1][n]. However, if we had decided on columns†¦ it would be the same thing. Ruby doesnt have any idea what were doing with this data, and since it doesnt technically support two-dimensional arrays, what were doing here is a hack. Access it only by convention and everything will hold together. Forget what the data underneath is supposed to be doing and everything can fall apart real fast.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper - 1074 Words
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Marquillia Wiggins SOC/315 February 25, 2013 Dr. Dixon Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Cultural diversity, or multiculturalism, is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. The foundation of this belief is that every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of multiculturalism, or cultural diversity awareness, while others often support it and yet have no clear idea of how it should be taught. The diversity of the United States is truly astounding, as many different ethnic and racial groups have contributed to the social,†¦show more content†¦I do think that being from a military family, I found myself in another circle that shares common traditions and beliefs. I am a Christian and I believe that God is the creator of all. I think that my ethnicity plays into my culture and traditions. For example we all think that we have to prove ourselves to others just because we need to prove a point. Really we are equal in front of god. In addition I am mother of one so the other circles, the circles of moms. I think that African American people are fun to hang around and easy to sometimes talk to. I like that African American people can have fun but at the same time be serious when the time permits it. The word diversity represents a large group comprised of different people with different experiences. These differences include race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status or citizenship. However, â€Å"diversity†does not address how these different people function or work. Inclusion enables us to strive to have all people represented and make all members, partners and employees feel welcomed and valued, not only for their abilities, but also for their unique qualities and perspectives. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along theShow MoreRelatedDiversity and Inclusion Paper1085 Words  | 5 PagesThinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr. Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. 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My Personal Statement On Marketing Degree - 1315 Words
According to Dr Steve Maraboli, â€Å"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.†Purpose can be defined as the motive or the cause why people do what they do. Even more, it consists in what an individual can accomplish in her or his life, in order to, feel gratified and satisfied. My personal purpose in this life is to succeed in everything I do. I want to obtain my marketing degree and specialize myself in fashion, to become a recognized and notable business and fashion figure, own and associate to different companies, stay financially stable, inspire people around the world, and create an amazing family. Actually, I can point that as my purpose because it basically relates to everything I want for my future. I want to raise wonderful and responsible children and be able to not only provide them love and basic needs, but also please them with what they want occasionally and of course, make sure that they wil l never be in need of anything. My personal goal is to become a better person in general. In order to do this, I’m not going to try to be the best person ever, but the best version of myself. I want to maintain a good and close relationship with my family and friends, have an excellent financial situation, travel around the world, appreciate people, keep my values, stay healthy in every single way, to inspire and help people around the world. I will like to change some things about my attitude since IShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : The Sports Marketing Field795 Words  | 4 Pagesfocused, and competitive. I completed my major in Communication Studies with a double minor in history and marketing. 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Alcohol Related Issues in Redfern New South Wales
Question: "ALCOHOL RELATED ISSUES IN REDFERN NEW SOUTH WALES" Explain why alcohol gives domestic violence.Identify what research in this area has already been undertaken and point out gaps in knowledge. Critically consider what debates exist and different points of view from within the particular disciplinary perspective. .Explain how this existing information will inform the work you are undertaking as a group. What, if any, policies, guidelines or regulations might exist that affect everyday life and the work of people, and the organisations within communities. Answer: Introduction Social problem is considered as a situation where some people are viewed as undesirable. The social problems can affect and hamper the society. On the other hand, social issues consider problems within a particular group or area. Therefore, it can affect the real life or community. The current study will be discussing about social problem related to alcohol related issues with reference to Redfern New South Wales and the relation between alcohol and domestic violence. Alcohol and Medical Problems According to alcohol is termed as toxic substance that can have serious affect on the body organs. The major health issues that are related with alcohol consumption are: Stomach Functioning and interferes can slow down with digestion Can cause ulcer and gastritis Chances of cancer Liver Person can have fatty liver or alcoholic hepatitis Permanent damage of liver (cirrhosis) Heart Can affect the rhythm of normal heart Blood vessels can damage Wane heart muscles Can lead to enlargement Other Effects Tremors in hands and feet Lead to muscles degeneration due to loss of protein Sexual issues Malnutrition problem Neuritis tingling sensation Social Problems connected with alcohol use As per Broady et al. (2014) consuming alcohol can lead to many consequences on the part of individual drinker and also on the environment and society. The people can lose their life and can affect the life of others along with him/her. Apart from that, Day (2013) mentioned that alcohol can lead to damage of much public or private property and can also affect the economic productivity. Workplace and alcohol consumption: Heavy percentage of drinking at the working place can lead to lower productivity. On the other hand, Hart, A. (2009) opined that excessive use of alcohol can end up to absence and it can involve substantial cost to workers and systems of social security. There are number of evidence which proves that alcohol dependence lead to higher percentage of sickness absence. For instance, in NSW about 30% of workplace accidents and absenteeism occurs due to alcohol dependence (, 2015). Family and Alcohol consumption: Powell and Murray (2008) stated that, alcohol use by the parents can lead to child abuse that can affect the environment of child psychologically, socially and economically. Moreover, the drinking can consume large money and affect the family life. The person drinking high alcohol can lead to violence, HIV infection with their partners, etc. Moreover, the person may have no concern for the family and can spend all their income on alcohol. Poverty and Alcohol: As per Roman and Reid (2012), the economic expenditure effect on drinks are wide in poverty areas. The drinker may suffer economic effects such as low wage, high medical expenses, lost employment opportunities, less eligible for having loan, etc. For instance, as per the recent survey in NSW around 10% of men agreed that they have high expenditure on alcohol than their total income. Real Cost of Alcohol According to Lee (2013), the large percentage of income or revenue is gained from the sale of alcohol. On the other hand, Lanz (2013) pointed that hidden or cumulative costs are higher in terms of health care, absenteeism and decreased level of income due to heavy alcohol use. Health and Safety: The use of alcohol can lead to premature death, various cancers, damage of organ system, violence, trauma, unsafe sexual practices, and families poor nutritional facilities, etc. For instance, from the survey on NSW, it was found that around 13-16% suffered from traumatic brain issues (Assaf and Chaban, 2013). Workplace: Around 400% of accidents and 20% of absenteeism at workplace was found in the survey conducted in 2009 in NSW due to consumption of alcohol. Apart from that, the annual loss that occurred due to alcohol was estimated to be around $1380 to $ 1570 million that affected the society and nation (, 2015). Family: According to Livingston (2011), almost3to 40% of household expenditure is depleted on alcohol. As a result, the families were incapable to pay for food or educations that are below poverty line. On the other hand, alcohol abuse can end up to separations or divorce and affect emotional trauma. Alcohol and Domestic Violence The alcohol use also has serious impact on the domestic violence incidents. The studies have resulted that the relationship among domestic violence and alcohol is complex. The domestic violence due to alcohol affects the emotional, social, physical and financial wellbeing of the families and individuals. For instance, an incidents analysis covered by New South Wales police in 1991 pointed that approx 40% of domestic violence arises due to alcohol (Rees and Pease, 2007). The violence against the partners involves more alcohol that having violence against other person. The domestic violence arises due to family pressure, work pressure, instable mental state, etc that affect both the partners. On the basis of previous studies, it has been found that wives that are abused by their partners have taken higher proportion of alcohol. For instance, as per the report of 2008, in NSW almost 30% has alcohol involvement and had bad behavior with their wife or families (, 2015). On the other hand,, 2015) investigated that in Australia, a large section of young rural female fatality pointed that they had verbal abuse in pubs, clubs and in home. As per the report conducted by Health Organization shows that: Physical Abuse Rural Metropolitan In Home 43.8% 30.4% In pubs and clubs 47.3% 32.6% Put in fear (in home) 32.1% 20.0% Apart from that, Lanz (2013) mentioned that as per the survey of community attitudes to violence against women in Australia resulted that community has perception that alcohol is the prime cause that lead to domestic violence. On the other hand, 94% of people pointed that alcohol as a trigger but is not an excuse for violence. The consumption of alcohol is strongly correlated with the partner violence against the non-partner violence. In the domestics violence between husband and wife, husband are more aggressors and largely hurts the wife by throwing hands, using slang language by using the power. According to Powell and Murray, (2008), the domestic violence arises if one partner is not happy with the conduct of their partners or behavior or having fight regularly. Therefore, it can make the people to consume alcohol in order to release out mental pressure. On the other hand, Hart, (2009) argued that domestic violence can arise if there is stress to maintain the family and provide good and healthy and in spite of trying hard the person may fail which can led to depression and inclined towards the alcohol. Moreover, the financial pressure, lower social standing and behavior changes can result in domestic violence. Therefore, it can be said that it is an excuse for violence. Change Models and Methods Brief Counseling: In order to squeeze out from the alcohol consumption, the addicted person can be given counseling so that the person life can be improved. The counselor may need to understand the current drinking levels and provide some tips to acknowledge the risks and benefits associated after consuming alcohol (Carrie Chan, 2015). Guide Self Change: The people can be motivated to resolve their issues and proper guidance can be delivered to the people. The addicted person has to be encouraged that he/she has to take the responsibility so that domestic violence can be decreased (Roman and Reid, 2012). Harm Reduction Model: This model can help to educate the people about drinking without engaging any legal, financial, physical and social issues (Day, 2013). The person may no need to stop their drinking but they may require drinking responsibly. Motivational Interviewing: The expert can conduct motivation interview for the people that are alcohol addicted and it can help them in realizing their negative consequences. It can help in bringing change among the people that can assist in solving domestic violence and building strong bonding between partners (Broady et al. 2014). Psychodynamic Therapy: The therapy can help in knowing the past or negative consequences or experiences that a person has gone through then it could help in bringing change in the drinker (Livingston, 2011). The alcohol counseling can deliver ways to the person to deal with the drinking habits. Personal View The alcohol consumption and addiction is a serious issue and gives rise to many issues that affect the personal and public life. According to me, I think that alcohol has a contribution in domestic violence but the reason of violence is based on other factors that lead to conflict. I believe that alcohol use has more affect on the family. The domestic violence hurts the weaker person the most. On the other hand, the reason behind domestic violence has to be studied before making the alcohol the main reason for violence. Conclusion The study on alcohol and its relation with domestic violence shows that it leaves a great impact on the family and individual person. The domestic violence gives rise to separation and physical problem. The people incline to alcohol due to many reasons that result in violence that affects family and people around family. Apart from that, in order to resolve the domestic violence some change models and methods is effective for the people that are alcoholic. References Assaf, S. and Chaban, S. (2013). Domestic Violence Against Single, Never-Married Women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Violence Against Women, 19(3), pp.422-441. Broady, T., Gray, R. and Gaffney, I. (2014). Taking Responsibility: A Psychological Profile of Men Attending a Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(14), pp.2610-2629. Carrie Chan, (2015). Alcohol Issues in Domestic Violence. Day, A. (2013). Commentary on Stuart et al . (2013): Domestic violence and interventions to reduce alcohol use. Addiction, 108(8), pp.1385-1386. Hart, A. (2009). Child-inclusive mediation in cases of domestic violence in Australia. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 27(1), pp.3-26., (2015). Alcohol in Australia Issues and Strategies. Lanz, P. (2013). Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population. Psychology, 04(03), pp.153-158. Lee, M. (2013). Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision for Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 19(11), pp.1350-1369. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction, 106(5), pp.919-925. Powell, A. and Murray, S. (2008). Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand. Social Legal Studies, 17(4), pp.453-473. Rees, S. and Pease, B. (2007). Domestic Violence in Refugee Families in Australia. Journal of Immigrant Refugee Studies, 5(2), pp.1-19. Roman, C. and Reid, S. (2012). Assessing the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlets and Domestic Violence: Routine Activities and the Neighborhood Environment. Violence, 27(5), pp.811-828., (2015). Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner? Answer: Introducation The ability to lead an individual or a group of people and motivating them to work and in simpler terms it can be expressed as an ability of of stimulating and guiding the individuals to work for a common organizational objective (Wisetoast 2018). This activity involves sound and difficult decisions making and thus developing and enunciating the vision and also establishing achievable goals and targets. This is to be done by offering the followers with the appropriate set of data and knowledge. The below-presented essay is focused on the development of the leadership model. Issues in leadership model My personal leadership style basically is the autocratic leadership and according to that, I keep on trying to maintain significant control over the staff and rarely consider the suggestions of the team mates. Usually, most of the decisions are taken without considering interference and involvement of any of the individuals within the team. And due to which the team mates rarely trust the decisions executed. The working environment is also very highly rigid and highly structured. Due to this, my credibility has been observed to a declining stage. This is one of the biggest issues that have been faced by me. And most of the times, it has also been observed that the staff is reluctant to the decisions made. Important traits, skills, and tasks of an effective leader Successful leaders are considered as the power and understanding of the business corporation. There are various skills, traits, and tasks of an effective leader. Recognition of the good qualities is also must so as to make use of the same for effective outcomes. One of the most required traits in a leader is his passion (Northouse, 2015). He is required to be passionate about his tasks and work and should feel the allotted work as significant. Transferring that passion to the teammates will develop enthusiasm and will also help in motivating them. The leader is also required to be a good communicator. The words spoken should be clear for the better understanding of the teammates and thus leading to effective outcomes. The tasks and the projects should be properly explained to the teammates. Core values that leadership model emphasizes Values are considered as the guiding principles for our lives. Leadership is conducted within the framework of the values. There are many core values in my leadership model and the same are described as follows. Respect is one of the prime values and that can be demonstrated by self-respect and respecting others (Masonleads 2018). As per this value, I treat my teammates with dignity, empathy, and concern. Integrity is another value of my leadership style model. This can be presented by the moral strength, trustworthiness. I keep promises and also try my best for fulfilling them. Authenticity is another component of my leadership style and according to that consistency and transparency is maintained by me in the beliefs and actions. And last but not least is the sense of humility and according to which I have a sense of humbleness and also aware of the self-limitations. Attainments of leadership practiced There is number of targets that are desired and are required to be attained under my leadership model. The first one to be taken on the priority is the team and task management in an ethical manner. I try to pursue a fair and friendly working environment and culture so as to make the accomplishments of the tasks in an unethical manner. The next target to be attained is the equality or no discrimination on any grounds. Developing a fair and unbiased environment is one of the main targets of my leadership model. Recognizing and giving value to the teammates and their work is another target that should be fulfilled. Maintaining discipline and strictness sometimes proves beneficial. This can lead to better outcomes for the team as some of the individuals have a habit of working under strict environment. This will reap benefits for the team and my leadership as if the employees are feeling that they are valued then they will be motivated and will work harder. These are some of the achieve ments that are required to be practiced under my leadership model. Benefits to the organization My leadership model has been developed on the base of three pillars that are ethics, teamwork, and management. All these components aid me in playing my obligations in a proper manner and that reaps the desired outcome. For instance, ethics assist me in working in a correct manner, making use of fair options and appropriate methods and also maintaining a sense of equality amongst all the teammates. This aids me in attaining my personal and organizational goals. If the workforce of a firm is working ethically then the entity will be having a positive image in the minds of the consumers and will have a strong goodwill. The next is the teamwork and for that, I regularly organize team activities for developing a sense of mutual understanding and cooperation amongst the teammates. This will increase the team strength and will enable the accomplishments of the team and personal goals with a greater effectiveness and efficiency (Goleman, 2017). The last pillar is the management. I always st rive to manage the task and the team inappropriate manner. So as to reap the desired targets and that will also be proven beneficial for the business firm. Culture of the organization On the basis of the analysis of my leadership model, it has been executed that the Adhocracy will be the type of culture that will be followed under the guidance of my leadership within the organization. This culture will be proven much beneficial for the business firm as it is based on energy and creativity (Popinnow 2016). Under this culture, the teammates and the other employees will be motivated and trained to take the risk and the senior authorities will be playing the role of innovators. The organization will be held together by experimentation while signifying integrity and freedom. The main values of the culture are rooted in teamwork, the process of communication and consensus. Difference in the leadership model After analyzing the current leadership model it has been observed that there are differences in the current leadership model and my leadership model. The currently existing is democratic leadership and in this model, the teammates and the subordinates are involved in making decisions. The main focus was on the contribution of subordinates. Involving teammates can go negative sometimes. Situations of miss-management and conflicts can arise due to the involvement of all the teammates and that can be problematic for the organization. Whereas, my leadership model does make the involvement of the teammates and the control of decision making resides in the hands of the leader. As a leader, I am held responsible for the decisions taken and as the teammates are not involved the decisions are quite accurate as the management and the senior authorities are involved. Application of leadership model The leadership model adopted by me is an autocratic form and under which the leader is considered as the whole and sole of the team. The controlling and decision-making powers are residing under the leader. Application of my leadership model basically is dependent on their basic pillars and that are the ethics, teamwork, and management. These are the core elements that aid me in executing all the operations and functions. The first element is ethics that aids and assists me in developing a fair working environment in the organization and will surely lead in reaping desired and positive results. The next is the teamwork through which the completion of tasks is ensured with a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. Teamwork also enhances the brand value of the organization as it is reflected in the service delivery. The last is management that enables s the team and completion of the tasks in an appropriate manner. References Goleman, D., 2017. Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Masonleads, 2018, Core leadership values, Assessed on 28th January 2018, Northouse, P.G., 2015. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Popinnow, 2016, The four types of organizational culture, Assessed on 28th January 2018, Wisetoast, 2018, 12 different types of leadership styles, Assessed on 28th January 2018,
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Movie Response Essay Sample
Movie Response Essay SampleIn a response essay you need to be able to come up with a thought-provoking idea for a movie that you think is worth discussing. While an essay doesn't have to be based entirely on your thoughts, you do want to make sure that the idea you are going to discuss is something that people would be interested in learning more about.There are several ways to go about coming up with this idea for a movie-response essay sample. One way to do this is to take a movie you have seen in the theater and write down everything that stands out to you. You can also use your own words to write down what you have learned from watching the movie.Once you have an idea for a movie, you can start thinking about how it is going to apply to real life situations. You can also consider the strengths and weaknesses of the subject. Doing so will help you learn about what is important to discuss when writing about movies.While it may be helpful to do some research about movies before you begin writing movie responses, the important thing is to remember that there are certain rules that you should follow. Do not just dive into writing your own script. Instead, you should learn how to structure a script so that you will be able to move it smoothly through the editing process. This can be quite challenging but it is worth it if you want to get a film written.The first rule of writing a movie essay is to know when to stop. You should never become frustrated or worried as you attempt to develop a response. You should let yourself feel that part of the process so that you can see how it all works.When you have created your movie response essay, you should ask someone to critique it. Do not just decide that you are going to do it yourself. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it is important to understand that this may mean taking a short break from working on your screenplay.When you sit down to write your movie response, you should write each paragraph out loud. This wil l allow you to focus on coming up with an interesting idea for a movie without any distracting distractions. The last thing you want to do is lose your train of thought when you are talking to someone else about the movie.There are many different tips that you can use in order to make your response essay better. You should keep in mind that this type of project is not one that is very time consuming. In fact, you can get this done in a matter of hours, but it can take longer if you want to include a lot of editing and revisions.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Benjamin Franklin Essays
Benjamin Franklin Essays Benjamin Franklin Essay Benjamin Franklin Essay Essay Topic: The adventures Of Tom Sawyer Throughout the course of history, the citizens of this amazing planet have always been undertaking the struggle for grasping the American Dream. Although the goals of an individual might be different than anothers, the final goal is similar for is to obtain happiness. Famous literature such as F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby, celebrated work such as Of Mice and Men done by John Steinbeck, and Mark Twains popular The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn all portray the happiness all the characters try to gain through their dream, the unfairness that life may award, and that the necessity to be thankful is greatly needed. In his most famous work The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald draws attention to the dream of title-based character, Jay Gatsby. This man was a millionaire, living extremely well-off. When young, Gatsby was unfortunately poor and it was hard for him to rise up in the high clique of the wealthy. Because of this, his dream girl Daisy could not marry him and his love was lost. Hoping to strive to become happy and rich, Gatsby, when later found out in the book, began to smuggle alcohol and through it became extremely wealthy. But for some reason, his happiness was never achieved and his low-spirited mood matched the permanent en of Winnie the Poochs Error. Fitzgerald, himself being a pursuer of happiness, displayed Gatsby as a man who dreamed about a life of happiness. He had come long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he had hardly talked to grasp it (Fitzgerald 180). True, this man did host a vast abundance of parties, but indeed these transcendent gatherings were manganese to bolster his hiding happiness. With this, it suggests that the only reason Gatsby threw such lavish parties was because he thought she would enjoy them. Throughout his entire life, Gatsby attempted to reach that dream. And much to his disappointment, his dream of finally obtaining her never got accomplished. Indeed Myrtle Wilson, the suicidal woman with the horrific death was somewhat alike with Gatsby. Being married to a George Wilson, she believed her social status was much higher than those of a mechanic. Like Gatsby, Myrtle isnt happy with the class she was born to. She insists that she married someone beneath her, and she tries to talk about the lower orders as though shes not one of them: l told that boy about the ice! Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders. These people! You have to keep after them all the time (Fitzgerald 32). Realizing this, she began to engage in a relationship with a man who supposedly was of a higher stature than her present husband. True to her belief, Fitzgerald indicates that Tom Wilson was actually a man of great wealth His family were enormously wealthy even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach hed brought down a string of polo ponies enough to do that (Fitzgerald 6). And with confidence, Myrtle deliberately leaves her man, and tries to obtain more happiness. Much like Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, Daisys Cubans, also was a man that lacked his desired felicity. This man was a perplexed character; he did not know what he wanted. At first, he falls in love with Daisy, Gatsby long lost love. He treats her well, but times run through, and mistreat becomes common. This mystery man was hypocritical toward Daisy wanting to be with Gatsby, for he himself cheated on his wife with Myrtle Wilson, the spouse of Gatsby assassin. Cutting across the Valley of the Ashes, Nick and Tom stop by the Willows Garage. Were getting off, he insisted. l want you to meet my girl (Fitzgerald 24). In this book, he is portrayed as a man with an aggressive attitude, a man with boundaries and restrictions for his lovely wife Daisy a man with uncomfortably and a wish to be happy. But as soon as he got acquainted with Myrtle, his dream became really wide and his desires became stretched. Jordan Baker, Nicks inconstant date, also was a woman that suffered a sort of melancholy. She was a golfer, an athletic Sock who had a critical desire to succeed and become the best through cheating. Her problem was her game. And she felt like she could never achieve happiness if she failed, so by cheating it felt good to win. Nick described her not only cheating in sports, but a cheat at life. Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men, and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible. She was incurably dishonest. She wasnt able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness, I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard, Jaunty body (Fitzgerald 59). Throughout the book, she tries to win cheating her way through games, through life hoping to achieve a Tate of happiness. Ironically, dishonesty doesnt help, and instead leads happiness away. Much like The Great Gatsby, in Just 107 pages, John Steinbeck writes about the adventures of poor laboring men that worked on the Californian ranches. In his novella, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck writes about George Milton and Leonie Smalls, two men struggling to acquire work to achieve their dream: to one day own land with a home they can call their own. George and Leonie never attain their dream, but the fantasy holds their remarkable friendship together. Their dream is real because its existent in their imagination. The dream keeps Leonie cheerful and stops George from becoming unkind and lonely like other ranch hands. What makes this dream significant is Liens determination to achieve it. Got it by heart. You can do it yourself. No, you. I forget some a the things. Tell about how its goanna be. (Steinbeck 14). Even though Leonie asks George maybe a couple times throughout the book to remind him of their dream farm, Leonie seems to know word for word, on how their dream goes, and is always finding happiness in talking and renewing his hope in his child-like fantasy. Unlike Leonie, all Currys wife longs for is o experience the world for herself. She is practically a captive in her own home, barren of the power to transform her fate. When she was young, she fantasized of becoming a famous actress in a show, but when she married Curly, her entire life renewed to the inferior. After her marriage, the shattered ruins of her dreams and a happy, and not stuck with a man who showed her no attention. Mom! She put her hands behind her hack and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. Youre the new fells that Just come, anti yard (Steinbeck 30). In this scene, Curly wife portrays herself as a sex symbol. And being the only female live character, she publicized herself often in front of the men, trying to at least get a few nice words, or comments that gave a distinctly positive boost to her attention level. Thats why looking at Leonie, dumb as he was, she felt like she could obtain some affection from him, some sort of happiness for being loved. But to her dissatisfaction, he gave no pleasure, no happiness but a surprisingly random and permanent end. Most of the characters in Of Mice and Men admit, at one point or another, to dreaming of a different life. Crooks, allows himself the pleasant fantasy of weeding a attach of garden on Liens farm one day, and Candy fastens on desperately to Georges vision of owning a couple of acres. What makes all of these dreams typically American is that the dreamers wish for untarnished happiness, for the freedom to follow their own desires and no matter how realistically possible it is to achieve it. Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, often regarded as one of the finest American novels, and labels the hilarious yet illuminating adventures of a deprived country boy, who runs away and takes the river with an escaped African American slave. Huckleberry Finn, a smart boy that was ruthlessly mistreated by his alcoholic-driven dad, was basically an orphan that longed for a better treatment and a free choice. His dad is almost never there for him, so of course Miss Watson being the responsible one, attempts to teach him responsibility and schooling, Just like his friend Tom Sawyer. But nobody taught Yuck Finn the social values and the right choices Just like Jim did. Through his indirect teaching and intelligence, Jim teaches Yuck against the stereotypical Southern segregation, and shows that an African American can show more affection than a close father. Yuck Finns dream is a unique one. In an effort to escape in his caged life and find a hope in something new, he escapes his present life and quests to discover an innovative one. For Yuck, the American Dream meaner being free, to have no limits or boundaries, and to relish the wide-open Western frontier. And the Mississippi River offers the best definition and relaxation from both of their previous lives. Jim, this is nice, I says, l dont to be nowhere else but here (Twain 54). The splendor and freedom of this dream is shown almost as a requirement for Yuck, and certainly for Jim the slave. Jim, who is not even considered a person, but Just a piece of property, also had a dream very much similar with Yuck Finns. Much like the aspiration of other slaves at the time; he wished to be freed, to break free of captivity and again be reunited with his fame-bam. Slave work, is hard work. And it takes a great amount of physical pain and labor to maintain loyal and hard-working towards an owner. Novella, you see, it Uzi disc way. Ole missus datas Miss Watson she pecks on me all De time, en treats me potty rough, but she awls said she would sell me down to Orleans (Twain 50). After intercepting the knowledge of Miss Watson desire to sell Jim, Jim began to get uneasy (Twain 50), and knew that the only way for him to receive liberty, would be to leave as soon as possible. To add to his agonizing hurt, had been disconnected from his wife and children. It was his dream to be reunited, and to hold his family in his arms again. Jim missed them relationship status as a bachelor, that encouraged his criminal act of running away from Miss Watson, and sailing away with a white teenager. Unfortunately, when trying to accomplish the demand for contentment, realizing that life can be unfair can be a common thought. The phrase Life is unfair is quite popular amongst teens, but when examining it, it is the genuine truth. When being in the army, Gatsby was portrayed as a man lacking a strong financial status. . That it must be the man she used to know. It wasnt until then, that I connected Gatsby with the officer in her white car (Fitzgerald 77). Gatsby was indeed absent in wealth at first and this weakness most likely lead him to believe that life was unjust. For without money, he could not obtain his love. The story is much the same with Fitzgerald himself, for he himself lost his love Just because of his low financial status. It mustve been terrible to participate in such a sad act, in the oxymoron gaining a loss of letting go of the girls of his dreams. Likewise, Daisy was a woman with a resembling story. She loved Gatsby and Tom. But possessing both men was out of the question. It was unfair, for her love to both of these men was equal. Gatsby? demented Daisy. What Gatsby? (Fitzgerald 11). When hearing the name of the famous millionaire, she became how my English teacher Mr.. Borrowers calls it, tingly inside. Excitement is definitely a small part of the definition of this word. And with this thrill Fitzgerald artists that Daisys time with Gatsby was a time of Joy and a definite fun. As he left the room again she got up and went over to Gatsby and pulled his face down, kissing him on the mouth. You know I love you, she murmured. Yes, Daisy felt great affection to this rich man, but still through it all, her love for Tom did not diminish. She was stuck. Both men proved to be of equal likeness to her, and when asked it was hard for her to take away her truth of never loving Tom. She hesitated. Her eyes fell on Jordan and me with a sort of appeal, as though she realized at least what she as doing - Even alone I cant say I never loved Tom, she admitted in a pitiful voice. It wouldnt be true (Fitzgerald 133). Although Daisy had a choice on two men, Leonie, in Of Mice and Men had no choice in his physical disability. Leonie, as one would say in this current time period, slow in the mind. Mere we going, George? The little man Jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Leonie. So you forgot that ready, did you? I goat tell you again, do l? Jesus Christ (Steinbeck 5). Even though Liens disability is accustomed with George, it still proves to be slightly of annoyance to George; his unusual actions and constant memory loss, puts a great stress on his ability to maintain kindness. Yes, it isnt Liens fault. No, he did not get kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid (Steinbeck 22). His weakness was not chosen, and even if it did get to the better of George, George held his own thoughts back and felt pity and sympathy for Leonie when Curly was a high-nosed prick in the small cabin room on the farm. Say, what the hells he got on his shoulder? Leonie didnt do anything to him (Steinbeck 26). Identical with the mistreat, Jim was unfairly treated Just because of his skin color. True, segregation was a definite part in the United States culture back then, and many folks thought it was perfectly normal to treat blacks like garbage. But even back then without realizing it, it was considered one of the top, unfair, extremely unreasonable and injustice actions that was taken place in the Home of the Free country. Because Mary Jane II will get an order to box these duds up and put me away; and do you reckon a Niger can run across money and not borrow some of it? (Twain 180). Here, the Archduke is proclaiming that all black men stealwhich, hypocritically, is exactly what the Archduke does himself. This is only a small portion of racism in the book, but there are lots more examples of such misconduct. Undoubtedly, when chasing dreams, the dawning of life and its inequitable acts are sure to be exposed. Sometimes though, the thoughts of our illegitimate essence can be foreseen as almost an act of sin. When truly analyzing and evaluating the pros and cons of the time of the birthrate, to the present second, many people may overlook the fact that they are blessed with more than whats deserved. Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, he told me, Just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had (Fitzgerald 1). Being Just the second sentence in the beginning of the novel, Nick Caraways father demonstrates one of the most important aspects of life and the benefits of being who you are. Following his fathers words, yes it does seem that Nick was indeed happy for what he had. Alas, other major characters in the novel never did seem happy for their current wealth and assets. When Gatsby was introduced to the knowledge that Daisy lived by the dock, he seemed to ignore his current benedictions. This man was insanely wealthy! He had everything; a hover plane to enjoy on the lake, beautiful cars to ride around town, a giant mansion Just for himself he threw parties every night! Despite having all of these delightedness, he strove for more, seeming like he was never thankful for what he already possessed. By saying, Do you come to these parties often? (Fitzgerald 43) Jordan implies that Gatsby must have parties often, and yet he does not find much Joy in them. Each party, a great multitude of people came people he didnt even know, and without question, obtaining a girl would have been easier than taking a breath of fresh air. T disgustingly he strove for a married woman. Yes, she was his past, but it takes maturity to understand that sometimes whats wanted is not necessarily yours. At the same time, Tom was Just like Gatsby; not necessarily as rich, but wealthy enough to buy his wife $350,000 pearls. And yet, he went after Myrtle, being greatly unappreciative of his current possessions. Tom was indeed a hypocrite. He loved Myrtle, and when he found out that Gatsby and Daisy had a relationship building up, suddenly he turned a defensive mode on toward his wife. She is not leaving me! Toms words suddenly leaned down over Gatsby. Certainly not for a common swindler whod have to steal the ring he put on her finger (Fitzgerald 133). Myrtle too, was a woman lacking her felicity for the blessings she received thereof. As a wife of a mechanic, she never showed any gratitude for the work Wilson did. The only crazy part I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody elses suit to get married in, and never even told me about it And then I lay down and cried to beat the band all afternoon (Fitzgerald 35). Her reaction to Wilson renting a tuxedo is pathetic. To cry over something like that, brings he common, rude but true phrase to thought Go kill yourselves And ironically. That is exactly what she did. A moment later she rushed out in to the duck, waving her hands and shouting before he could move from his door the business was over (Fitzgerald 137). This foolish act of suicide, Just explicates that many people do Leonie displays a sort of ingratitude with his desperate longing for ketchup. George always helps Leonie, but he always wants more. It is manifest in Chapter One. After finding a place to rest for the night, George offers Leonie some bearers for supper, and Liens response is reply is quite unappreciative, as he announces l like me with ketchup. George explains to him that there is no ketchup and Leonie again repeats l like me with Ketchup! After this George loses his calm, and Leonie threatens by saying, [Im goanna] go off and live in one of them caves (Steinbeck 12). Although Leonie is slow, he comprehends that his untruthfulness isnt appreciated around George, and immediately indirectly apologizes asking thereafter about the dream farm they will someday own. Curly, the boss son, displays a sort of dissatisfaction tit his size, state and power. His explosive anger engages when Leonie smiles at the delight of the memory of the ranch, comes up to him and says, Meat the hell you laughing at? Come on, way big bastard. Get up on your feet. No big son-of-a-pitch is goanna laugh at me. Ill show you whos yells (Steinbeck 62). Curlers violent response to Liens blameless laughter shows not only Curlers frustration with his absolute lack of control, but his determination in being the most powerful, even if his physical stature is smaller than of somebody else. In the beginning of Adventures of Huckleberry Fin, Yuck shows his lack of appreciation in Miss Wilson trying to make him literate. Back then, obtaining an education after elementary school was not often, and getting knowledge and not captivating it, showed Husks terrible ingratitude for an opportunity to learn a few more things and become more intelligent. She worked me meddling hard for about an hour, and then the widow made her ease up. I couldnt stood it much longer. Then for an hour it was deadly dull, and I was fidgety (Twain 10). It Just disgusts to see Yuck not taking the chance for a higher education when other adults or children acquired none at all. Throughout the novel, Yuck and Tom pronounce their beliefs on the ungratefulness towards Jim running away. In the beginning, Yuck believes that Jim was too stuck up, and a high- demanding slave for him to run away from Miss Watson. She gave him everything, and Yuck felt like running away from her would be foolish. And later on in the novel, Tom says l wonder if Uncle Sills is going to hang this Niger. If I was to catch a Niger that was ungrateful enough to run away, I wouldnt give him up, Id hang him. Tom and Yuck were not born hating the African American race, but they learned from t. They believe that running away from your owner would be unwise, for an owner gives all thats necessary to live and thrive. Ironically, Yuck himself was running away, so it made people like him a hypocrite. Therefore, when chasing dreams one can notice that many people are untruthful for what they already possess. Throughout the history of the United States, many fellow Americans have attempted to succeed in obtaining the American Dream. Many have tried, few have achieved it. Although obtaining the dream can be a definite struggle, dreaming can major help in overcoming obstacles. The American authors of that time portrayed the American Dream as a fantasy, all a happiness thats tried to be made. In the American Dream, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, and Twain portrait that it has many flaws and commonalities, happiness is always tried to be acquired, and many of the current blessings are sadly ignored. Truthfully yes, life can be unfair, unjust. But by counting the current can a dream be reached, and a never ending felicity be finally obtained. As a whole, Benjamin Franklin was right; Pursuing happiness all can do. But truly catching it is the difficult part.
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