Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Katrina What Went Wrong - 1726 Words
Monday morning, 29 August 2005, this is a day most New Orleans residents will never forget. This was the day a category 5 hurricane named Katrina made its catastrophic debut to the Gulf Coast region and killed over 1,300 people. (The White House, 2006, p. 1) After it was all said and done, the nation was shocked at the events that unfolded in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi and people were left wondering, â€Å"What went wrong?†National Geographic reported that the storm originated about a week earlier, 23 August, in the Caribbean and worked its up from the Bahamas making landfall Thursday, 25 August, in Miami. Winds at this time were 75-80 mph making it a category 1 hurricane causing some tree damage and killing two people. (Drye, 2005)†¦show more content†¦(The White House, 2006, p. 51) As for organizational and policy factors that led to planning failures, the report stated, â€Å"†¦federal response officials in the field eventually made the difficult decisions to bypass established procedures and provide assistance without waiting for appropriate requests from the states or for clear direction from Washington.†(U.S. House of Representative, 2006, p. 132) The effects of going against established procedures caused a lot of confusion amongst the different organizations and within the department itself. Another major breakdown in policy also affected law enforcement procedures. The process of deputizing federal officers as peace officers during this catastrophe proved to be more difficult than anticipated; the concern was federal law enforcement officers might find it necessary to make arrests outside of their federal jurisdiction. (U.S. House of Representative, 2006, p. 256) The reportShow MoreRelatedThe Lessons of Hurricane Katrina820 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction Hurricane Katrina resulted in massive loss of life and billions of dollars in property damage. There are many lessons worth learning from this event. Finger pointing started before the event was over. Most of the focus on Hurricane Katrina was on its impact on New Orleans; however, the storm ravaged a much wider area than that. This paper will briefly summarize the event, the impact on the city of New Orleans and the lessons learned to ensure preparedness today. Hurricane Katrina Formed off theRead MoreHurricane Katrin A Horrific Day For The City Of New Orleans1605 Words  | 7 PagesAugust 29, 2005, was a horrific day for the city of New Orleans. That day was when the deadly storm Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans. It was one of the worst hurricanes in the United States history. On August 28, 2005, Katrina was upgraded to a category five hurricane, which is the worst category that a hurricane can be named. A category five hurricane means catastrophic damage will occur since the wind was going 157 miles per hour or higher. Ray Nagin the mayor of New Orleans calledRead More Hurricane Katrina: A Man-made Disaster Essay1364 Words  | 6 PagesAt 7:10 EDT on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall, etching lasting memories of those living in and around the New Orleans, Louisiana. It was this day that Hurricane Katrina came ashore and caused what was to be thought as one of the â€Å"most destructive storm in terms of economic losses †(Hurricane Katrina â€â€, 2007) of all times. Who was to be blamed for the failure in emergence management response and preparation, no one seemed to know or understand. Those left in the wake of thisRead MoreFederalism Essay849 Words  | 4 PagesPart One: The Storm The Storm: Chaos and Tragedy: Answer the following questions as you view the PBS video excerpt Chaos and Tragedy. According to Frontline, what problems were caused by the following groups: The Local and state officials? Fail to plan The U.S. military? Waited too long FEMA? Poorly led The Government? Indifferent to victims who were poor and black Why was the Louisiana National Guard unable to help? 300 soldiers were trapped inside headquartersRead MoreEssay on Part one: the storm658 Words  | 3 PagesFederalism in Action Part One: The Storm The Storm: Chaos and Tragedy: Answer the following questions as you view the PBS video excerpt Chaos and Tragedy. 1. According to Frontline, what problems were caused by the following groups: o The Local and state officials? The Local and state officials had failed to plan. o The U.S. military? The U.S. military had waited too long. o FEMA? FEMA was poorly led. o The Government? The government was indifferent to victims who were mostly poorRead MoreFederalism: Federal Government of the United States and Natural Disaster877 Words  | 4 Pages08 Federalism Federalism in Action Part One: The Storm The Storm: Chaos and Tragedy: Answer the following questions as you view the PBS video excerpt Chaos and Tragedy. 1. According to Frontline, what problems were caused by the following groups: o The Local and state officials? The inability to enforce laws from the federal level uniformly throughout counties o The U.S. military? Suffered problems because they had no previous experience on these situations of emergencies o FEMA? HadRead MoreCreative Writing : My Life966 Words  | 4 Pagesstrangely grey sky. The twisting, swirling clouds were gathering up, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what was happening. A hurricane was forming. I looked up at my mother. Fear was shown on her face, and she grabbed my hand to go inside. â€Å"Hurry!†Mom screamed. â€Å"I’m trying!†I shouted, but my voice was lost in the wind. Rain started to downfall, and I couldn’t see what was in front of me. Mom’s hand slipped away, and as soon as that happened, she disappeared into the storm. I heardRead MoreHurricane Katrin Emergency Planning1185 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment – Hurricane Katrina HSM315: Emergency Planning Hurricane Katrina was an extraordinary act of nature that created massive human tragedy. Experts say that Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive natural disaster in U.S. history. This massive hurricane brought with it catastrophic floods, obliteration of numerous homes and business, ruined the offshore energy infrastructures, and caused an estimated $96 billion dollars in damage. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina resulted in an estimatedRead MoreThe American Red Cross Is A Humanitarian Based Organization Created By Clara Barton1566 Words  | 7 PagesCross is a large operating organization that attends to the U.S population and with the situation going on at New York at the time you would believe there would be some type of monitoring. Hurricane Katrina aftermath controversy The American Red Cross was yet again put to test when hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans leaving citizens stranded with little to no food and water. The Red Cross was reported to be chaotic at their locations, with refugees waiting in line to be attended to. According toRead MoreProject A Natural Disaster And Disaster Recovery Plan1385 Words  | 6 Pagesand whether or how the plan has been executed. Whether the plan was effective, and how it can be improved. I am also to describe the natural disaster, when, where, how, and what happened. Before we can understand the what, we need to make sure we understand the why and how. We will first discuss the disaster recovery plan, what is it?. Disaster recovery plan defines how an organization will deal with a possible disasters whether is natural or man-made. A disaster is just an event that makes the business
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Emily Dickinsons Most Well Known Poem - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 412 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Emily Dickinson Essay Did you like this example? Because I Could Not Stop For Death is the silent yet loud individual; Emily Dickinsons, most well known poem.(Tate 37).It was written in the 60s of the 19th century during the end of romanticism and beginning of the realism literary movement. (Napierkowski 31). Romanticism [emphasized] strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience, placing emphasis on such emotions as sadness, horror, and the awe experienced in confronting the sublimity of nature.(Pennys Poetry Pages Wiki). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Emily Dickinsons Most Well Known Poem" essay for you Create order Although Dickinson has received her ideas from the romantic era, [she] is more a realistic writer.(Poetry Foundation). Realism was an artistic movement that began after the revolution of 1848 in France in the 1850s. (Art Movement). They had rejected Romanticism, [dominating] French literature and art since the end of the 18th century. (Raven).It had revolted against the exotic subject matter and the exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic [movement]. (Raven). The reoccurrence of death had an impact on Dickinson poetry; It had led her to write by her fears, anxiety, and frustration(Dickinson). She did not adhere to any specific poetry format, such as imperfect iambic meter, and controversial subject.(Upinvermont).Furthermore, dashes and random capitalization were used quite commonly in Dickinson time period. Peak states that function, hyphens, em dashes and en dashes are essential marks in workplace writing(Peak). Other writers of the realism movement include Mark Twain; George Eliot; Henry James(The Literature Network); and much more. The psychological effects of events that took place in Emily Dickensons life and how they influenced the theme of her writings. Her poems seem very dark to the predominance of her poetry. It had happened that her poems trace back to death, and it is quite impossible to ignore the morbidity in Emilys poems. (Biography Online).There are quite a few people out in the world that believe her relationship with Reverend Charles Wadsworth had a great effect upon the darkness in her poetry, especially throughout the poem I had a funeral in my brain. Emily is portrayed as being isolated and lonely.(Healt). [She] stands among the greatest poets produced by America and perhaps the English-speaking world. Her voice and verbal artistry are unique, and her themes are both ageless and universal.(Cornelius). Focusing on I had a funeral in my brain is clearly as it sounds; contributing to death. Dickinson wrote not only to note the pervasiveness of death as ending, but also to explore the very nature of death itself.(Robert).
Friday, May 15, 2020
Creating Two Dimensional Arrays in Ruby
The following article is part of a series. For more articles in this series, see Cloning the Game 2048 in Ruby. For the complete and final code, see the gist. Now that we know how the algorithm will work, its time to think about the data this algorithm will work on. There are two main choices here: a flat array of some kind, or a two-dimensional array. Each has their advantages, but before we make a decision, we need to take something into account. DRY Puzzles A common technique in working with grid-based puzzles where you have to look for patterns like this is to write one version of the algorithm that works on the puzzle from left to right and then rotate the entire puzzle around four times. This way, the algorithm only has to be written once and it only has to work from left to right. This dramatically reduces the complexity and size of the hardest part of this project. Since well be working on the puzzle from left to right, it makes sense to have the rows represented by arrays. When making a two dimensional array in Ruby (or, more accurately, how you want it to be addressed and what the data actually means), you have to decide whether you want a stack of rows (where each row of the grid is represented by an array) or a stack of columns (where each column is an array). Since were working with rows, well choose rows. How this 2D array is rotated, well get to after we actually construct such an array. Constructing Two Dimensional Arrays The Array.new method can take an argument defining the size of the array that you want. For example, Array.new(5) will create an array of 5 nil objects. The second argument gives you a default value, so Array.new(5, 0) will give you the array [0,0,0,0,0]. So how do you create a two dimensional array? The wrong way, and the way I see people trying often is to say Array.new( 4, Array.new(4, 0) ). In other words, an array of 4 rows, each row being an array of 4 zeroes. And this appears to work at first. However, run the following code: It looks simple. Make a 4x4 array of zeroes, set the top-left element to 1. But print it and we get†¦ It set the entire first column to 1, what gives? When we made the arrays, the inner-most call to Array.new gets called first, making a single row. A single reference to this row is then duplicated 4 times to fill the outer-most array. Each row is then referencing the same array. Change one, change them all. Instead, we need to use the third way of creating an array in Ruby. Instead of passing a value to the Array.new method, we pass a block. The block is executed every time the Array.new method needs a new value. So if you were to say Array.new(5) { gets.chomp }, Ruby will stop and ask for input 5 times. So all we need to do is just create a new array inside this block. So we end up with Array.new(4) { Array.new(4,0) }. Now lets try that test case again. And it does just as youd expect. So even though Ruby doesnt have support for two-dimensional arrays, we can still do what we need. Just remember that the top-level array holds references to the sub-arrays, and each sub-array should refer to a different array of values. What this array represents is up to you. In our case, this array is laid out as rows. The first index is the row were indexing, from top to bottom. To index the top row of the puzzle, we use a[0], to index the next row down we use a[1]. To index a specific tile in the second row, we use a[1][n]. However, if we had decided on columns†¦ it would be the same thing. Ruby doesnt have any idea what were doing with this data, and since it doesnt technically support two-dimensional arrays, what were doing here is a hack. Access it only by convention and everything will hold together. Forget what the data underneath is supposed to be doing and everything can fall apart real fast.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper - 1074 Words
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Marquillia Wiggins SOC/315 February 25, 2013 Dr. Dixon Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper Cultural diversity, or multiculturalism, is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. The foundation of this belief is that every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of multiculturalism, or cultural diversity awareness, while others often support it and yet have no clear idea of how it should be taught. The diversity of the United States is truly astounding, as many different ethnic and racial groups have contributed to the social,†¦show more content†¦I do think that being from a military family, I found myself in another circle that shares common traditions and beliefs. I am a Christian and I believe that God is the creator of all. I think that my ethnicity plays into my culture and traditions. For example we all think that we have to prove ourselves to others just because we need to prove a point. Really we are equal in front of god. In addition I am mother of one so the other circles, the circles of moms. I think that African American people are fun to hang around and easy to sometimes talk to. I like that African American people can have fun but at the same time be serious when the time permits it. The word diversity represents a large group comprised of different people with different experiences. These differences include race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status or citizenship. However, â€Å"diversity†does not address how these different people function or work. Inclusion enables us to strive to have all people represented and make all members, partners and employees feel welcomed and valued, not only for their abilities, but also for their unique qualities and perspectives. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along theShow MoreRelatedDiversity and Inclusion Paper1085 Words  | 5 PagesThinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr. Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. 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My Personal Statement On Marketing Degree - 1315 Words
According to Dr Steve Maraboli, â€Å"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.†Purpose can be defined as the motive or the cause why people do what they do. Even more, it consists in what an individual can accomplish in her or his life, in order to, feel gratified and satisfied. My personal purpose in this life is to succeed in everything I do. I want to obtain my marketing degree and specialize myself in fashion, to become a recognized and notable business and fashion figure, own and associate to different companies, stay financially stable, inspire people around the world, and create an amazing family. Actually, I can point that as my purpose because it basically relates to everything I want for my future. I want to raise wonderful and responsible children and be able to not only provide them love and basic needs, but also please them with what they want occasionally and of course, make sure that they wil l never be in need of anything. My personal goal is to become a better person in general. In order to do this, I’m not going to try to be the best person ever, but the best version of myself. I want to maintain a good and close relationship with my family and friends, have an excellent financial situation, travel around the world, appreciate people, keep my values, stay healthy in every single way, to inspire and help people around the world. I will like to change some things about my attitude since IShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : The Sports Marketing Field795 Words  | 4 Pagesfocused, and competitive. I completed my major in Communication Studies with a double minor in history and marketing. 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Alcohol Related Issues in Redfern New South Wales
Question: "ALCOHOL RELATED ISSUES IN REDFERN NEW SOUTH WALES" Explain why alcohol gives domestic violence.Identify what research in this area has already been undertaken and point out gaps in knowledge. Critically consider what debates exist and different points of view from within the particular disciplinary perspective. .Explain how this existing information will inform the work you are undertaking as a group. What, if any, policies, guidelines or regulations might exist that affect everyday life and the work of people, and the organisations within communities. Answer: Introduction Social problem is considered as a situation where some people are viewed as undesirable. The social problems can affect and hamper the society. On the other hand, social issues consider problems within a particular group or area. Therefore, it can affect the real life or community. The current study will be discussing about social problem related to alcohol related issues with reference to Redfern New South Wales and the relation between alcohol and domestic violence. Alcohol and Medical Problems According to alcohol is termed as toxic substance that can have serious affect on the body organs. The major health issues that are related with alcohol consumption are: Stomach Functioning and interferes can slow down with digestion Can cause ulcer and gastritis Chances of cancer Liver Person can have fatty liver or alcoholic hepatitis Permanent damage of liver (cirrhosis) Heart Can affect the rhythm of normal heart Blood vessels can damage Wane heart muscles Can lead to enlargement Other Effects Tremors in hands and feet Lead to muscles degeneration due to loss of protein Sexual issues Malnutrition problem Neuritis tingling sensation Social Problems connected with alcohol use As per Broady et al. (2014) consuming alcohol can lead to many consequences on the part of individual drinker and also on the environment and society. The people can lose their life and can affect the life of others along with him/her. Apart from that, Day (2013) mentioned that alcohol can lead to damage of much public or private property and can also affect the economic productivity. Workplace and alcohol consumption: Heavy percentage of drinking at the working place can lead to lower productivity. On the other hand, Hart, A. (2009) opined that excessive use of alcohol can end up to absence and it can involve substantial cost to workers and systems of social security. There are number of evidence which proves that alcohol dependence lead to higher percentage of sickness absence. For instance, in NSW about 30% of workplace accidents and absenteeism occurs due to alcohol dependence (Who.int, 2015). Family and Alcohol consumption: Powell and Murray (2008) stated that, alcohol use by the parents can lead to child abuse that can affect the environment of child psychologically, socially and economically. Moreover, the drinking can consume large money and affect the family life. The person drinking high alcohol can lead to violence, HIV infection with their partners, etc. Moreover, the person may have no concern for the family and can spend all their income on alcohol. Poverty and Alcohol: As per Roman and Reid (2012), the economic expenditure effect on drinks are wide in poverty areas. The drinker may suffer economic effects such as low wage, high medical expenses, lost employment opportunities, less eligible for having loan, etc. For instance, as per the recent survey in NSW around 10% of men agreed that they have high expenditure on alcohol than their total income. Real Cost of Alcohol According to Lee (2013), the large percentage of income or revenue is gained from the sale of alcohol. On the other hand, Lanz (2013) pointed that hidden or cumulative costs are higher in terms of health care, absenteeism and decreased level of income due to heavy alcohol use. Health and Safety: The use of alcohol can lead to premature death, various cancers, damage of organ system, violence, trauma, unsafe sexual practices, and families poor nutritional facilities, etc. For instance, from the survey on NSW, it was found that around 13-16% suffered from traumatic brain issues (Assaf and Chaban, 2013). Workplace: Around 400% of accidents and 20% of absenteeism at workplace was found in the survey conducted in 2009 in NSW due to consumption of alcohol. Apart from that, the annual loss that occurred due to alcohol was estimated to be around $1380 to $ 1570 million that affected the society and nation (Health.gov.au, 2015). Family: According to Livingston (2011), almost3to 40% of household expenditure is depleted on alcohol. As a result, the families were incapable to pay for food or educations that are below poverty line. On the other hand, alcohol abuse can end up to separations or divorce and affect emotional trauma. Alcohol and Domestic Violence The alcohol use also has serious impact on the domestic violence incidents. The studies have resulted that the relationship among domestic violence and alcohol is complex. The domestic violence due to alcohol affects the emotional, social, physical and financial wellbeing of the families and individuals. For instance, an incidents analysis covered by New South Wales police in 1991 pointed that approx 40% of domestic violence arises due to alcohol (Rees and Pease, 2007). The violence against the partners involves more alcohol that having violence against other person. The domestic violence arises due to family pressure, work pressure, instable mental state, etc that affect both the partners. On the basis of previous studies, it has been found that wives that are abused by their partners have taken higher proportion of alcohol. For instance, as per the report of 2008, in NSW almost 30% has alcohol involvement and had bad behavior with their wife or families (Health.gov.au, 2015). On the other hand, Who.int, 2015) investigated that in Australia, a large section of young rural female fatality pointed that they had verbal abuse in pubs, clubs and in home. As per the report conducted by Health Organization shows that: Physical Abuse Rural Metropolitan In Home 43.8% 30.4% In pubs and clubs 47.3% 32.6% Put in fear (in home) 32.1% 20.0% Apart from that, Lanz (2013) mentioned that as per the survey of community attitudes to violence against women in Australia resulted that community has perception that alcohol is the prime cause that lead to domestic violence. On the other hand, 94% of people pointed that alcohol as a trigger but is not an excuse for violence. The consumption of alcohol is strongly correlated with the partner violence against the non-partner violence. In the domestics violence between husband and wife, husband are more aggressors and largely hurts the wife by throwing hands, using slang language by using the power. According to Powell and Murray, (2008), the domestic violence arises if one partner is not happy with the conduct of their partners or behavior or having fight regularly. Therefore, it can make the people to consume alcohol in order to release out mental pressure. On the other hand, Hart, (2009) argued that domestic violence can arise if there is stress to maintain the family and provide good and healthy and in spite of trying hard the person may fail which can led to depression and inclined towards the alcohol. Moreover, the financial pressure, lower social standing and behavior changes can result in domestic violence. Therefore, it can be said that it is an excuse for violence. Change Models and Methods Brief Counseling: In order to squeeze out from the alcohol consumption, the addicted person can be given counseling so that the person life can be improved. The counselor may need to understand the current drinking levels and provide some tips to acknowledge the risks and benefits associated after consuming alcohol (Carrie Chan, 2015). Guide Self Change: The people can be motivated to resolve their issues and proper guidance can be delivered to the people. The addicted person has to be encouraged that he/she has to take the responsibility so that domestic violence can be decreased (Roman and Reid, 2012). Harm Reduction Model: This model can help to educate the people about drinking without engaging any legal, financial, physical and social issues (Day, 2013). The person may no need to stop their drinking but they may require drinking responsibly. Motivational Interviewing: The expert can conduct motivation interview for the people that are alcohol addicted and it can help them in realizing their negative consequences. It can help in bringing change among the people that can assist in solving domestic violence and building strong bonding between partners (Broady et al. 2014). Psychodynamic Therapy: The therapy can help in knowing the past or negative consequences or experiences that a person has gone through then it could help in bringing change in the drinker (Livingston, 2011). The alcohol counseling can deliver ways to the person to deal with the drinking habits. Personal View The alcohol consumption and addiction is a serious issue and gives rise to many issues that affect the personal and public life. According to me, I think that alcohol has a contribution in domestic violence but the reason of violence is based on other factors that lead to conflict. I believe that alcohol use has more affect on the family. The domestic violence hurts the weaker person the most. On the other hand, the reason behind domestic violence has to be studied before making the alcohol the main reason for violence. Conclusion The study on alcohol and its relation with domestic violence shows that it leaves a great impact on the family and individual person. The domestic violence gives rise to separation and physical problem. The people incline to alcohol due to many reasons that result in violence that affects family and people around family. Apart from that, in order to resolve the domestic violence some change models and methods is effective for the people that are alcoholic. References Assaf, S. and Chaban, S. (2013). Domestic Violence Against Single, Never-Married Women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Violence Against Women, 19(3), pp.422-441. Broady, T., Gray, R. and Gaffney, I. (2014). Taking Responsibility: A Psychological Profile of Men Attending a Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(14), pp.2610-2629. Carrie Chan, (2015). Alcohol Issues in Domestic Violence. Day, A. (2013). Commentary on Stuart et al . (2013): Domestic violence and interventions to reduce alcohol use. Addiction, 108(8), pp.1385-1386. Hart, A. (2009). Child-inclusive mediation in cases of domestic violence in Australia. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 27(1), pp.3-26. Health.gov.au, (2015). Alcohol in Australia Issues and Strategies. Lanz, P. (2013). Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population. Psychology, 04(03), pp.153-158. Lee, M. (2013). Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision for Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 19(11), pp.1350-1369. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction, 106(5), pp.919-925. Powell, A. and Murray, S. (2008). Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand. Social Legal Studies, 17(4), pp.453-473. Rees, S. and Pease, B. (2007). Domestic Violence in Refugee Families in Australia. Journal of Immigrant Refugee Studies, 5(2), pp.1-19. Roman, C. and Reid, S. (2012). Assessing the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlets and Domestic Violence: Routine Activities and the Neighborhood Environment. Violence, 27(5), pp.811-828. Who.int, (2015). Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Completion Tasks In An Appropriate Manner? Answer: Introducation The ability to lead an individual or a group of people and motivating them to work and in simpler terms it can be expressed as an ability of of stimulating and guiding the individuals to work for a common organizational objective (Wisetoast 2018). This activity involves sound and difficult decisions making and thus developing and enunciating the vision and also establishing achievable goals and targets. This is to be done by offering the followers with the appropriate set of data and knowledge. The below-presented essay is focused on the development of the leadership model. Issues in leadership model My personal leadership style basically is the autocratic leadership and according to that, I keep on trying to maintain significant control over the staff and rarely consider the suggestions of the team mates. Usually, most of the decisions are taken without considering interference and involvement of any of the individuals within the team. And due to which the team mates rarely trust the decisions executed. The working environment is also very highly rigid and highly structured. Due to this, my credibility has been observed to a declining stage. This is one of the biggest issues that have been faced by me. And most of the times, it has also been observed that the staff is reluctant to the decisions made. Important traits, skills, and tasks of an effective leader Successful leaders are considered as the power and understanding of the business corporation. There are various skills, traits, and tasks of an effective leader. Recognition of the good qualities is also must so as to make use of the same for effective outcomes. One of the most required traits in a leader is his passion (Northouse, 2015). He is required to be passionate about his tasks and work and should feel the allotted work as significant. Transferring that passion to the teammates will develop enthusiasm and will also help in motivating them. The leader is also required to be a good communicator. The words spoken should be clear for the better understanding of the teammates and thus leading to effective outcomes. The tasks and the projects should be properly explained to the teammates. Core values that leadership model emphasizes Values are considered as the guiding principles for our lives. Leadership is conducted within the framework of the values. There are many core values in my leadership model and the same are described as follows. Respect is one of the prime values and that can be demonstrated by self-respect and respecting others (Masonleads 2018). As per this value, I treat my teammates with dignity, empathy, and concern. Integrity is another value of my leadership style model. This can be presented by the moral strength, trustworthiness. I keep promises and also try my best for fulfilling them. Authenticity is another component of my leadership style and according to that consistency and transparency is maintained by me in the beliefs and actions. And last but not least is the sense of humility and according to which I have a sense of humbleness and also aware of the self-limitations. Attainments of leadership practiced There is number of targets that are desired and are required to be attained under my leadership model. The first one to be taken on the priority is the team and task management in an ethical manner. I try to pursue a fair and friendly working environment and culture so as to make the accomplishments of the tasks in an unethical manner. The next target to be attained is the equality or no discrimination on any grounds. Developing a fair and unbiased environment is one of the main targets of my leadership model. Recognizing and giving value to the teammates and their work is another target that should be fulfilled. Maintaining discipline and strictness sometimes proves beneficial. This can lead to better outcomes for the team as some of the individuals have a habit of working under strict environment. This will reap benefits for the team and my leadership as if the employees are feeling that they are valued then they will be motivated and will work harder. These are some of the achieve ments that are required to be practiced under my leadership model. Benefits to the organization My leadership model has been developed on the base of three pillars that are ethics, teamwork, and management. All these components aid me in playing my obligations in a proper manner and that reaps the desired outcome. For instance, ethics assist me in working in a correct manner, making use of fair options and appropriate methods and also maintaining a sense of equality amongst all the teammates. This aids me in attaining my personal and organizational goals. If the workforce of a firm is working ethically then the entity will be having a positive image in the minds of the consumers and will have a strong goodwill. The next is the teamwork and for that, I regularly organize team activities for developing a sense of mutual understanding and cooperation amongst the teammates. This will increase the team strength and will enable the accomplishments of the team and personal goals with a greater effectiveness and efficiency (Goleman, 2017). The last pillar is the management. I always st rive to manage the task and the team inappropriate manner. So as to reap the desired targets and that will also be proven beneficial for the business firm. Culture of the organization On the basis of the analysis of my leadership model, it has been executed that the Adhocracy will be the type of culture that will be followed under the guidance of my leadership within the organization. This culture will be proven much beneficial for the business firm as it is based on energy and creativity (Popinnow 2016). Under this culture, the teammates and the other employees will be motivated and trained to take the risk and the senior authorities will be playing the role of innovators. The organization will be held together by experimentation while signifying integrity and freedom. The main values of the culture are rooted in teamwork, the process of communication and consensus. Difference in the leadership model After analyzing the current leadership model it has been observed that there are differences in the current leadership model and my leadership model. The currently existing is democratic leadership and in this model, the teammates and the subordinates are involved in making decisions. The main focus was on the contribution of subordinates. Involving teammates can go negative sometimes. Situations of miss-management and conflicts can arise due to the involvement of all the teammates and that can be problematic for the organization. Whereas, my leadership model does make the involvement of the teammates and the control of decision making resides in the hands of the leader. As a leader, I am held responsible for the decisions taken and as the teammates are not involved the decisions are quite accurate as the management and the senior authorities are involved. Application of leadership model The leadership model adopted by me is an autocratic form and under which the leader is considered as the whole and sole of the team. The controlling and decision-making powers are residing under the leader. Application of my leadership model basically is dependent on their basic pillars and that are the ethics, teamwork, and management. These are the core elements that aid me in executing all the operations and functions. The first element is ethics that aids and assists me in developing a fair working environment in the organization and will surely lead in reaping desired and positive results. The next is the teamwork through which the completion of tasks is ensured with a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness. Teamwork also enhances the brand value of the organization as it is reflected in the service delivery. The last is management that enables s the team and completion of the tasks in an appropriate manner. References Goleman, D., 2017. Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Masonleads, 2018, Core leadership values, Assessed on 28th January 2018, https://masonleads.gmu.edu/about-us/core-leadership-values/. Northouse, P.G., 2015. Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Popinnow, 2016, The four types of organizational culture, Assessed on 28th January 2018, https://popinnow.com/four-types-organizational-culture/. Wisetoast, 2018, 12 different types of leadership styles, Assessed on 28th January 2018, https://wisetoast.com/12-different-types-of-leadership-styles/.
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