Friday, December 27, 2019
The Police Procedure Stop And Frisk Essay - 1581 Words
The police procedure stop and frisk is a highly controversial topic in society. In order for the officer to initiate the procedure, he or she needs reasonable suspicion or probable cause that meet minimal legal requirements. People that have been stop and frisked may wonder if the procedure is discriminatory towards race, since a majority of people stopped are minorities, or if the procedure is against ones constitutional rights that are protected by the amendments, or if the procedure is effective in reducing crime rates. Citizens may feel that being stopped and frisked by an officer is against the constitutional rights they have as people. The reason an officer initiates this procedure is to hopefully reduce crime rates in the long term. Officer’s need probable cause in order to initiate the procedure. The top five reasons for the stop and frisk practice to occur include â€Å"high crime areas, time of day fits the crime incident, fugitive movements by the suspect, casing v ictim or location, and proximity to the crime scene†(Avdija 27). Under those circumstances a person is more likely to be stopped by an officer. One may ask; What is the stop and frisk procedure? What are the minimum legal requirements needed to initiate a stop and frisk? Is the stop and frisk procedure discriminatory towards race? Is the stop and frisk procedure unconstitutional? Does the procedure actually reduce crime rates? Suspects involved in a stop and frisk procedure do have constitutional rights, butShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Stop And Frisk809 Words  | 4 PagesThe stop-and-frisk is a police procedure in which â€Å"a police officer who is suspicious of an individual detains the person and runs his hands lightly over the suspect s outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a concealed weapon.†Not to be confused with an arrest, a stop involves only a temporary interference with a person s liberty. A frisk is limited to a patting down of the outer clothing, unless an officer feels a weapon inside a person’s clothing, and then s/he may then reachRead Morestop and frisk1498 Words  | 6 Pagesworld where police officers are suppose to be protected and help us out when needed. The reality of it is police officers are out here on the beat violating are constitutional rights. Stop and frisk was to help fight crime on the streets but all it caused was racial profiling by officers everyday for the last twelve years. Stop and frisk has been used and abused and young adults are afraid to leave their house because they know they will be harassed for no good reason. Stop and frisk has caused aRead MoreStop-and-Frisk Research Paper1050 Words  | 5 PagesStop-and-Frisk: Cleaning up the Streets, or Racial Profiling at its Finest? Taryn Konkler Introduction to Law Enforcement Professor Michael Glendon Imagine innocently walking down the street in a city you’ve lived in your whole life, when all of a sudden you hear the dreaded â€Å"woop woop†and see those flashing red and blue lights. The police. They interrogate you, ask your whereabouts, and finally, they â€Å"frisk†you. Of course, they find nothing; they rarelyRead MorePolicing Practice And Operations Paper1211 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand that they’re a team. Everyone in the police department has to work together instead of against one another just to make sure everyone is doing their jobs by the books with no room for errors. Communicating has really improved throughout the years especially for the police. They have computers in their cars to run license plate numbers, checking to verify insurances and also to check for any warrants or tickets of the person. Also the police rely on the technology more than anyone becauseRead MoreStop-and-Frisk Policy1057 Words  | 5 PagesThe stop-and-frisk policy could be considered a big controversy facing New York in recent times. The whole concept behind this stopping-and-frisking is the police officer, with reasonable suspicion of some crime committed or about to be committed, stops a pedestrian, questions them, then if needed frisks the person. This policy started gaining public attention back in 1968 from the Terry v. Ohio case. A police officer saw the three men casing a store and he believed they were going to rob the store;Read MoreThe Stop And Frisk Policy947 Words  | 4 PagesThe stop and frisk policy came about many years ago. The stop and frisk is u sed for protection for the officer or officers. An officer can stop a suspect and frisk him/her for weapons, contraband or any other items if the officer feels any other suspicion. A Stop and Frisk do not require a warrant. This practice is very common now days, but similar procedures to stop and frisk policy started in the 1980s. According to Clark (2015), the earliest origins of stop and frisk were used in 1994 by StreetRead MoreThe Stop and Frisk Policy Analysis Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pagespercent of stops in 2012, were Black and Hispanic people. Compare that percentage to the amount of water on Earth, only seventy percent. Now, imagine eighty-seven percent water covering the Earth. That would make the world unbalanced and difficult to live in, which is how life is for the minorities impacted by Stop and Frisk. One of the most debated and controversial topics in New York City is the Stop and Frisk policy, and the impact it has on police, Latinos, and African Americans. Stop a nd Frisk failsRead MoreA Social Problem Attention From The Media And Judicial System960 Words  | 4 PagesThe communities most affected by the policy are those living in the low income areas. They are subjected to disproportionate stops and frisk mainly targeting black and Latino men. Law suits that have been filed against the city because of the stop and frisk policies, include; Charles v. City of New York which challenged the unlawful arrest of resident for filming stop and frisk encounter, Ligon v. City of New York which challenged the NYPD’s aggressive patrolling of private apartment buildings, andRead MoreThe Nypd s Stop And Frisk1557 Words  | 7 Pagesmurder. Ex mayor Michael Bloomberg has implemented a policy called Stop and Frisk in 2002. Some say it worked some say it doesn’t, from a ten-year period data shows that more then 5 million stops were made on young African American men who just made 1.9 percent of the city’s population according to New York Civil Liberties Union. Many politicians say it was a racial policy but it took weapons and drugs off the street. Stop and frisk was more proactive instead of reactive which means Acting beforeRead MoreAnalysis Of Donald Trump s Stop And Frisk Essay2038 Words  | 9 Pagesin the Revival of â€Å"Stop and Frisk†Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman turned presidential nominee who is making headlines for all the wrong reasons one would wish for in their nation’s leader, believes in the revival of the â€Å"stop and frisk†procedure. Trump believes it would be â€Å"overwhelming†beneficial to minorities when in fact studies show data that proves it to racially profile and unfairly target minorities. His suggestion of the return of the stop and frisk procedure couldn’t come at
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Bilingualism A Trait That Benefit The Individual
Bilingualism is known to be a trait that benefits the individual in numerous ways. The cognitive process of bilingual people is known to be better than monolinguals, whether substantial or minimal. Scientists conducted experiments that show bilingual children are able to accomplish conflicting tasks more efficiently than monolingual children. There are arguments that include being a bilingual hinders the learning speed of an individual and that monolinguals can learn at a faster pace. Ultimately, the question is to what extent does bilingualism benefit an individual? People tend to think that being bilingual makes a person have more intelligence than those who only speak one language. Ellen Bialystok, a professor psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada, disagrees with this assumption and states that bilingual brains only differ in their use of executive function. Executive function is â€Å"a system that helps the brain access particular regions or memories when prompted.â € Bialystok, in contrast to media reports, claims that executive function and intelligence are two different things. She uses the scenario of two people, monolingual and bilingual, looking at a dog. The first thing that comes to mind of the monolingual would be the word â€Å"dog†. For a bilingual, he/she presented with two alternative words, and one must be chosen. Therefore Bialystok claims that â€Å"these micro-decisions strengthen the executive function; the more your brain has to make the same kinds ofShow MoreRelatedLanguage and Communication1290 Words  | 5 Pagesamongst groups of people, but can there be more advantages in a bilingual society than disadvantages? This paper will explore both the societal and individual perspectives of bilingualism and find the advantages as well as disadvantages for the bilingual individual. It has been shown through studies that the regular use of two languages by bilingual individuals has quite a broad impact on both language and cognitive functioning. Being bilingual makes one more aware when speaking, so as to get the wordsRead MoreBilingualism Is Harmful And Interferes With Healthy Development2515 Words  | 11 PagesBilingualism, or an ability to use at least two languages (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2004), has been studied for decades. A quick literature search will reveal that research on this topic goes back as far as the 1800s. This is hardly surprising considering that at least half of the world’s population is bilingual (Grosjean, 2010, p. 13), with some European countries reaching rates as high as 99 percent (European Commission, 2006, p. 3). Interestingly enough, until relativelyRead MoreHow Bilingualism Affects Cognition And Whether Or Not The Effects3756 Words  | 16 Pagesor multilingual individual. However, with this new trend, controversy has arisen as to how this affects performance in terms of cognitive abilities. The purpose of this essay is to find out to how bilingualism affects cognition and whether or not the effects are positive. Cognitions is the term used to describe the process of knowing, reasoning and remembering. Many researchers have set out to solve this contentious mystery. For years, it was believed that a bilingual individual meant that one wasRead MoreBilingual Education Has Many Advantages Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesAs elementary students learn the concepts of a second language they are able to understand concepts better than individuals who only speak one language. The significance of learning two languages at an early age is that children’s minds are able to produce cognitive benefits, such as having more linguistic tools towards thinking, creativity, and flexible in problem solving. Bilingualism helps children minds become cognitively superior, which as a re sult provides protection at old age from cognitiveRead MoreThe Study of Motivation Essay2041 Words  | 9 PagesLiterature Review Motivation MacIntyre et al. (2001) define motivation as â€Å"an attribute of the individual describing the psychological qualities underlying behavior with respect to a particular task†(p. 463). The study of motivation as a predictor of second language learning performance was initiated by Gardner and his Canadian colleagues (1972). According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), there are two kinds of motivation: integrative motivation, referring to a holistic learning approach toward theRead MoreThe Creativity Of Bicultural Bilingual People2058 Words  | 9 Pagespeople automatically thinks that people who practice biculturalism are also bilingual. Which is very true to some extent but biculturalism and bilingualism are two different things. According to dictionary the word biculturalism is defined as â€Å"the presence of two different cultures in the same country and region†( dictionary), where as the word bilingualism is defind as â€Å"the ability to speak two languages fluently , the habitual use of two languages†(dictionary). This paper consists three differentRead MoreOrganizational Behavior : The Department Of Human Resource And Management1524 Words  | 7 Pagesadvance and productivity need strategies that accommodate people diversity characteristics. The department of human resource and management makes plan to deal with diversity. Diversity issues involves individual characteristics, an individual primary characteristic refers to individuals biological traits such as gender, race, sexual orientations and others. Secondary characteristics are factors that may be changed such as religion, educational background, and income and so on. Others diversity issuesRead MoreVoting Rules For Minority Governments2179 Words  | 9 PagesVoting establishes choice; it allows opportunities and variety to be discovered amongst individuals. In Canada, voters choose to elect one Member of Parliament in their riding. The political party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the government’s ruling party. If this party wins more than half the seats, it forms a majority government. If they win less than half the seats, it results in a hung parliament, which can either, be a minority government or a coalition. Canada mostlyRead MoreCognitive Resilience i n Adulthood9822 Words  | 40 Pagescenterpiece of cognitive resilience. Numerous factors at the level of the individual and the sociocultural context set the stage for engagement and agency, thereby contributing to life span cognitive resilience, which can in turn impact factors promoting engagement and agency (e.g., health management, disposition affecting how experience in regulated) to support cognitive growth. Cognitive development shows wide variation among individuals through the adult life span, and there is long-standing concern withRead MoreCross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Assessment Measures7333 Words  | 30 Pageswith regard to the misuse of Psychological Testing. Testing can never-the–less be a very useful way of obtaining objective information, economically and quickly about potential candidates when used fairly and without bias towards any particular individual or group (Bedell, Van Eeden and Van Staden 1999). Psychological Assessment is innately a contentious issue. Bedell, Van Eeden and Van Staden (1999) maintain that even in a heterogeneous population, tests are not always equally accurate or successful
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Nursing Surgical Nursing Reconstruction
Question: Describe about the Nursing for Surgical Nursing Reconstruction. Answer: Nursing Reflection Using Driscolls Reflective Cycle Nursing is regarded as an ever-changing and complex profession and excellence is achieved through best practices, standards and ethics. Nurses are endowed with greater responsibilities for creating a healthier working environment, become leaders in their respective specialty and improve the care quality. The nursing practice principles describe the expectations of the healthcare stakeholders from the nursing profession (Polit and Beck 2013). The aspects of approach, attitude and behavior forms underpin of good care. In Australia, the midwives and nurses are required to be registered with the NMBA (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia) and are required to meet the set professional standards for practicing nursing in the country (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2016). Several standards have been laid down by the board of which the standards for practice or the competency standards will be discussed in this assignment. This assignment is a nursing reflection from one of my first placement scenario that will be discussed using Driscolls reflective cycle. The nursing skills will be described with this recognized framework for demonstrating my abilities to reflect on the various nursing skills. What This is an episode that happened during the first week of my placement practice in a surgical ward. The Driscolls model of reflection supported me in reviewing my experiences with its evaluation and analysis for helping me to make necessary changes to my future nursing practice. The reason for my return to this event is because I noticed there were so many standards that were not followed by the registered nurses in the surgical ward that led me to a very challenging act of patient care and had a significant impact on my professional knowledge and skills. A reconstruction of the event helped me to develop my knowledge and add significant values to my experiences. On the day of the event, my mentor and I were looking after a bay in the surgical ward that had eight patients. To comply with the code of conduct of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the name of the hospital and the related registered nurse has not been mentioned to maintain confidentiality. The registered nurses are required to follow the NMBA guidelines for quality patient care and during my experience, I observed that my mentor, being a registered nurse, did not follow the guidelines for the standards of practice. Breaching of the guidelines was on several occasions like not wearing gloves while taking out IV cannula, not wearing face and eye protection during the IV catheter procedures and devices used for the purpose did not have safety features to minimize blood splatter and leakage during removal and insertion of the cannula (Odell 2015). These sights confronted me with intense professional challenges as although I knew that the standards of practice being violated by my men tor, yet I could not oppose the event as he was my guide for the placement and I could not offend him. This was a situation of a dilemma, confusion and scare considering the consequences on the patient of such an unsafe, inappropriate and irresponsible nursing practice. This also challenged my personal understandings while undertaking my first PEP. So What The analysis of my feelings can be described by stating that prior to the commencement of the placement, I was confident of my learning and experiences but after the incident, I was a bit shaken as what I witnessed was not only a breach of the act but also had a deep impact on my professional practices. Although I a negative experience, I did not lose confidence and faith on my learning of the standards of practice and went on to provide quality patient care when I was asked to do so by my mentor. He asked me to bed bath a patient and I took help of a healthcare assistant to complete the act in the most appropriate manner. According to the standards for practice, I was expected to engage in a professional and therapeutic relationship with the patient which I established to comfort her and make the process painless (O'Connell, Gardner and Coyer 2014). I was very anxious to carry out the activity as I had never been in direct contact with the patients before as I was never in a care en vironment prior to this. Although I had the learning experiences of the requirements of the personal qualities and promotion of autonomy and dignity that is required for assisting the patients with personal care in the University lectures, this was my first opportunity to put them into practice and gain the relevant experiences. Since I could not oppose my mentor with the fear of offending him, I decided to indicate him of his irresponsibility through my implementation of standards of practice in patient care. I had put on a gloves and face mask to reduce the risks of infection at the surgical site and increase patient benefit. My mentor noticed this and upon asking me the reason for the precautions, I informed him about the standards of practice and the healthcare associated infections due to lack of precautions. This gave me immense pleasure and peace as I successfully opposed against what was wrong. Now What From this incident, I have learned about the standards for practice and their appropriate implementation in patient care. The beginning of the placement was not good enough in terms of experience however, it ended with some good learning. My mentor realized his mistake and was thankful to me for abiding the guidelines that instigated him to follow them as well. This made me understand that the standards for practice should not be compromised under any circumstances and any discrepancies found should be taken care of. This will not only improve the patient care but also glorify the profession of nursing. Apart from this, I also had a profound experience in isolation nursing as it was a new experience for me. I had learned more about infection control and prevention in surgical wards and the importance of wearing gloves, apron and face protection prior to the commencement of the procedures. Appropriate disposal procedure of the wearable protective gears to prevent the spread of contami nation was also something that was significant (Sutherland-Fraser, Osborne and Bryant 2016). I learned that alcohol gel is also ineffective to eliminate spores in surgical wards for the control and prevention of infections (Masters 2015). These learning are of remarkable importance considering my future clinical practice to provide quality patient care without any breaching of the standards for practice laid down by NMBA. Whether it is for the inserting and removing of IV cannula or providing bed bath to the patient, precautions have to be taken to prevent harm to the patient by all the individuals involved in the nursing profession. There are two key areas of my practice that I can improve in future for providing standard patient care. The first area is the provision of responsive, appropriate, safe and quality nursing practice for achieving the agreed outcomes and goals of nursing needs of the patients. For this, I will adopt the strategy of practicing my profession and take the set precautions to provide patient care, especially in the specialty wards where the chances of contamination are high (Moorhead 2013). I will report and identify the actual and potential risks related to the issues if practices are found to be below the standards. The second area will be critical thinking and analysis of the nursing practice. For this, I will use, analyze and access the best available evidence for nursing practice to provide safe and quality care to the patients without any compromise (Mariano 2013). From my placement experience, I will shape my future practice by using ethical frameworks. References Mariano, C., 2013. Holistic nursing: Scope and standards of practice.Dossey, Barbara M.; Keegan, Lynn, compiladores. Holistic Nursing. A Handbook for Practice. Burlington: American Holistic Nurses Association,64. Masters, K., 2015.Role development in professional nursing practice. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Moorhead, S., 2013.Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), Measurement of Health Outcomes, 5: Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Elsevier Health Sciences. (2016).Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Professional Codes Guidelines. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2016]. O'Connell, J., Gardner, G. and Coyer, F., 2014. Beyond competencies: using a capability framework in developing practice standards for advanced practice nursing.Journal of advanced nursing,70(12), pp.2728-2735. Odell, M., 2015. Detection and management of the deteriorating ward patient: an evaluation of nursing practice.Journal of clinical nursing,24(1-2), pp.173-182. Polit, D.F. and Beck, C.T., 2013.Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Sutherland-Fraser, S., Osborne, S. and Bryant, K., 2016. Perioperative Nursing.Perioperative Nursing: An Introduction, 2nd Edition, pp.1-29.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Islam The Straight Path Essays - Islam, John Esposito, Muslim
Islam The Straight Path Islam The Straight Path An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path. In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism), chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Equally important is the essential information Esposito provides on the contemporary world of Islam, from Muslim responses to the challenges of colonialism and modernization to the reassertion of Islam in politics and society. This introductory book in the teaching of Islam and Islamic way of life by Esposito can be categorized in three different sections with various sub-tittles. First section concentrates on structural elements of Islam that includes Messenger and the Message; that are Muhammad and the Holy Koran. Second section is about The emergence of Islamic identity, as the Muslim Community, which includes the belief and the practice of the religion. And finally the modern Interpretations of Islam. Esposito introduces three concepts; in the first three chapters he explains what Islam is. I believe that he did an excellent job in presenting pre-Islamic time for Arabia and its surrounding region. But I also believe that concentrating on Muhammad's (PBUH) biography has little relevant to Islam. Because Islam is based mainly on the completion message of God to the World. I believe if a non-Muslim reader try were to understand Islam through this book he or she would compare it to the concept of Jesus, or David the Texan cult leader, and many others. I found that Esposito guides its readers to a clear understanding of Muslims and non-Muslim prospective. Nevertheless, he is a director of center for Muslim-Christian understanding. Esposito has emphasized on the holy Quran, Gods message and the messenger. I also believe that he has introduced a clear guideline for Muslims and their practice. Laying out their laws, beliefs, attitudes, values, and other religious responsibilities. I also found that Esposito writes with good academic intentions and writing on Islam from a western perspective. Esposito describes the realities of the Muslim world in their struggle to define their social, political, and economical identity. Although, he points that many of these ambitions are kept short due to lack of strong and faithful authorities in the Muslim world. As Esposito, introduces the faith, belief, and the practice of Islam from pre-historic times one can clearly see the religious events and the struggle of a religion through time. As on page 31, Esposito says, ?Muslims throughout the centuries, the message of the Koran and the examples of the Prophet? are the essential building blocs of Muslim life. He also emphasizes on the importance of Islam history and civilization, because he believes that they are the ?record of that struggle to interpret and to follow the Straight Path. (Esposito 31:1998) Esposito also, introduces the idea of Modernism, that Islamic times have not just only brought religion alone but also economic and military hardships to the west, as he puts it, challenge to western technology. The impact of western imperialism has also impacted the Islamic world. As the book evolves, he talks about Modern nations; secular, Muslim and Islamic. Giving examples, such as Turkey being in the secular sector, Iran as the Islamic, and finally the Muslim sector of modern nations including Jordan and Egypt. Coming to an end at the Muslims of Western Europe, the presence of Muslims in Europe is not a new force, but a generation of siege and conquer. Over the years Ottomans and other missionaries have put forward their idea of Islam in many parts of Europe, including Bosnia and Romania. The Importance of Understanding Muslims and Islam: Muslims and Islam are two related terms, at the same time different in its application. Let us first talk about the importance of understanding the term Muslims. Muslims are people who belong to the religion Islam. Muslims could act in various ways, presenting their actions differently, a Muslim from India or South Islam The Straight Path Essays - Islam, John Esposito, Muslim Islam The Straight Path Islam The Straight Path An evaluation of the book by John L. Esposito: Islam The Straight Path. In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism), chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Equally important is the essential information Esposito provides on the contemporary world of Islam, from Muslim responses to the challenges of colonialism and modernization to the reassertion of Islam in politics and society. This introductory book in the teaching of Islam and Islamic way of life by Esposito can be categorized in three different sections with various sub-tittles. First section concentrates on structural elements of Islam that includes Messenger and the Message; that are Muhammad and the Holy Koran. Second section is about The emergence of Islamic identity, as the Muslim Community, which includes the belief and the practice of the religion. And finally the modern Interpretations of Islam. Esposito introduces three concepts; in the first three chapters he explains what Islam is. I believe that he did an excellent job in presenting pre-Islamic time for Arabia and its surrounding region. But I also believe that concentrating on Muhammad's (PBUH) biography has little relevant to Islam. Because Islam is based mainly on the completion message of God to the World. I believe if a non-Muslim reader try were to understand Islam through this book he or she would compare it to the concept of Jesus, or David the Texan cult leader, and many others. I found that Esposito guides its readers to a clear understanding of Muslims and non-Muslim prospective. Nevertheless, he is a director of center for Muslim-Christian understanding. Esposito has emphasized on the holy Quran, Gods message and the messenger. I also believe that he has introduced a clear guideline for Muslims and their practice. Laying out their laws, beliefs, attitudes, values, and other religious responsibilities. I also found that Esposito writes with good academic intentions and writing on Islam from a western perspective. Esposito describes the realities of the Muslim world in their struggle to define their social, political, and economical identity. Although, he points that many of these ambitions are kept short due to lack of strong and faithful authorities in the Muslim world. As Esposito, introduces the faith, belief, and the practice of Islam from pre-historic times one can clearly see the religious events and the struggle of a religion through time. As on page 31, Esposito says, ?Muslims throughout the centuries, the message of the Koran and the examples of the Prophet? are the essential building blocs of Muslim life. He also emphasizes on the importance of Islam history and civilization, because he believes that they are the ?record of that struggle to interpret and to follow the Straight Path. (Esposito 31:1998) Esposito also, introduces the idea of Modernism, that Islamic times have not just only brought religion alone but also economic and military hardships to the west, as he puts it, challenge to western technology. The impact of western imperialism has also impacted the Islamic world. As the book evolves, he talks about Modern nations; secular, Muslim and Islamic. Giving examples, such as Turkey being in the secular sector, Iran as the Islamic, and finally the Muslim sector of modern nations including Jordan and Egypt. Coming to an end at the Muslims of Western Europe, the presence of Muslims in Europe is not a new force, but a generation of siege and conquer. Over the years Ottomans and other missionaries have put forward their idea of Islam in many parts of Europe, including Bosnia and Romania. The Importance of Understanding Muslims and Islam: Muslims and Islam are two related terms, at the same time different in its application. Let us first talk about the importance of understanding the term Muslims. Muslims are people who belong to the religion Islam. Muslims could act in various ways, presenting their actions differently, a Muslim from India or South
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