Friday, December 27, 2019
The Police Procedure Stop And Frisk Essay - 1581 Words
The police procedure stop and frisk is a highly controversial topic in society. In order for the officer to initiate the procedure, he or she needs reasonable suspicion or probable cause that meet minimal legal requirements. People that have been stop and frisked may wonder if the procedure is discriminatory towards race, since a majority of people stopped are minorities, or if the procedure is against ones constitutional rights that are protected by the amendments, or if the procedure is effective in reducing crime rates. Citizens may feel that being stopped and frisked by an officer is against the constitutional rights they have as people. The reason an officer initiates this procedure is to hopefully reduce crime rates in the long term. Officer’s need probable cause in order to initiate the procedure. The top five reasons for the stop and frisk practice to occur include â€Å"high crime areas, time of day fits the crime incident, fugitive movements by the suspect, casing v ictim or location, and proximity to the crime scene†(Avdija 27). Under those circumstances a person is more likely to be stopped by an officer. One may ask; What is the stop and frisk procedure? What are the minimum legal requirements needed to initiate a stop and frisk? Is the stop and frisk procedure discriminatory towards race? Is the stop and frisk procedure unconstitutional? Does the procedure actually reduce crime rates? Suspects involved in a stop and frisk procedure do have constitutional rights, butShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Stop And Frisk809 Words  | 4 PagesThe stop-and-frisk is a police procedure in which â€Å"a police officer who is suspicious of an individual detains the person and runs his hands lightly over the suspect s outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a concealed weapon.†Not to be confused with an arrest, a stop involves only a temporary interference with a person s liberty. A frisk is limited to a patting down of the outer clothing, unless an officer feels a weapon inside a person’s clothing, and then s/he may then reachRead Morestop and frisk1498 Words  | 6 Pagesworld where police officers are suppose to be protected and help us out when needed. The reality of it is police officers are out here on the beat violating are constitutional rights. Stop and frisk was to help fight crime on the streets but all it caused was racial profiling by officers everyday for the last twelve years. Stop and frisk has been used and abused and young adults are afraid to leave their house because they know they will be harassed for no good reason. Stop and frisk has caused aRead MoreStop-and-Frisk Research Paper1050 Words  | 5 PagesStop-and-Frisk: Cleaning up the Streets, or Racial Profiling at its Finest? Taryn Konkler Introduction to Law Enforcement Professor Michael Glendon Imagine innocently walking down the street in a city you’ve lived in your whole life, when all of a sudden you hear the dreaded â€Å"woop woop†and see those flashing red and blue lights. The police. They interrogate you, ask your whereabouts, and finally, they â€Å"frisk†you. Of course, they find nothing; they rarelyRead MorePolicing Practice And Operations Paper1211 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand that they’re a team. Everyone in the police department has to work together instead of against one another just to make sure everyone is doing their jobs by the books with no room for errors. Communicating has really improved throughout the years especially for the police. They have computers in their cars to run license plate numbers, checking to verify insurances and also to check for any warrants or tickets of the person. Also the police rely on the technology more than anyone becauseRead MoreStop-and-Frisk Policy1057 Words  | 5 PagesThe stop-and-frisk policy could be considered a big controversy facing New York in recent times. The whole concept behind this stopping-and-frisking is the police officer, with reasonable suspicion of some crime committed or about to be committed, stops a pedestrian, questions them, then if needed frisks the person. This policy started gaining public attention back in 1968 from the Terry v. Ohio case. A police officer saw the three men casing a store and he believed they were going to rob the store;Read MoreThe Stop And Frisk Policy947 Words  | 4 PagesThe stop and frisk policy came about many years ago. The stop and frisk is u sed for protection for the officer or officers. An officer can stop a suspect and frisk him/her for weapons, contraband or any other items if the officer feels any other suspicion. A Stop and Frisk do not require a warrant. This practice is very common now days, but similar procedures to stop and frisk policy started in the 1980s. According to Clark (2015), the earliest origins of stop and frisk were used in 1994 by StreetRead MoreThe Stop and Frisk Policy Analysis Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pagespercent of stops in 2012, were Black and Hispanic people. Compare that percentage to the amount of water on Earth, only seventy percent. Now, imagine eighty-seven percent water covering the Earth. That would make the world unbalanced and difficult to live in, which is how life is for the minorities impacted by Stop and Frisk. One of the most debated and controversial topics in New York City is the Stop and Frisk policy, and the impact it has on police, Latinos, and African Americans. Stop a nd Frisk failsRead MoreA Social Problem Attention From The Media And Judicial System960 Words  | 4 PagesThe communities most affected by the policy are those living in the low income areas. They are subjected to disproportionate stops and frisk mainly targeting black and Latino men. Law suits that have been filed against the city because of the stop and frisk policies, include; Charles v. City of New York which challenged the unlawful arrest of resident for filming stop and frisk encounter, Ligon v. City of New York which challenged the NYPD’s aggressive patrolling of private apartment buildings, andRead MoreThe Nypd s Stop And Frisk1557 Words  | 7 Pagesmurder. Ex mayor Michael Bloomberg has implemented a policy called Stop and Frisk in 2002. Some say it worked some say it doesn’t, from a ten-year period data shows that more then 5 million stops were made on young African American men who just made 1.9 percent of the city’s population according to New York Civil Liberties Union. Many politicians say it was a racial policy but it took weapons and drugs off the street. Stop and frisk was more proactive instead of reactive which means Acting beforeRead MoreAnalysis Of Donald Trump s Stop And Frisk Essay2038 Words  | 9 Pagesin the Revival of â€Å"Stop and Frisk†Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman turned presidential nominee who is making headlines for all the wrong reasons one would wish for in their nation’s leader, believes in the revival of the â€Å"stop and frisk†procedure. Trump believes it would be â€Å"overwhelming†beneficial to minorities when in fact studies show data that proves it to racially profile and unfairly target minorities. His suggestion of the return of the stop and frisk procedure couldn’t come at
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